Buried deep in the white stuff

Ok so I know I have been posting a lot of dog snowshoe posts but I have been out snowshoeing with the dog a lot and getting cute photos and I kinda feel like sharing them. So here I go again!


Last week I wrote about SAD which is Seasonal Affective Disorder and I said explained that getting outside for some exercise and fresh air was a good thing and by being active in the winter you would have a better season. So I decided to take my own advice and get outside a bit more. Summer is so easy to be active and outdoors, you have hiking, swimming, wake surfing but in the winter it feels so much more challenging to get out there and stay active.


Why is it so hard you ask? Well in Canada it is cold and you have to gear up if you want to go out. Whatever outdoor activity you want to participate in you have to pack up car the with all your gear and drive out to your destination. In the summer it feels so much easier, you don't have to prep for your warm clothing and if you wanted to you could just jump on your bike and go.

This is why I am making a conscious effort to take the extra time and make myself go outside and have fun! Sure it is a little more work but the reward of the exercise and fresh air pushing all that dopamine and serotonin though my system is priceless!

So all that being said, yes I have a lot of dog in the snow posts these days! Tomorrow I will switch it up from snowshoeing and head to the ski hill for some down hill pow pow!

We drove to Revelstoke, it's a small ski/sled town at the base of Mt Mackenzie. Revelstoke has an amazing ski hill that boast greatest vertical at 1,713 metres (5,620 ft) in all of North Americas! Now that is something to brag about! Look out whistler, Revy is on the map!

Anyhow we didn't snowshoe at the hill we went down to the river.


Revelstoke used to get so much snow in the winter that it would literally bury all the houses in town. There are a lot of local's that claim the snow used to be 40-60 feet deep in the winter but I have only seen data recorded at 26 feet back in the early 1970's. Either way this is a lot of snow!

People would have to dig their way out of their houses, often tunnelling out from the second story of their homes because the snow was just that deep. The plows used to dump the snow in the river but once the city realized its environmental impact they had to stop.


There was really no where for all that snow to go so they would plow the snow into the middle of the street and there would be huge snow piles/walls dividing the traffic heading in either direction.

In 1984 a Revelstoke Dam was completed and by housing so much water the residents of Revelstoke claim that is changed the climate making the summers cooler and the winters more mild which in turn resulted in less snow.


If you happen to be a skier or a sledder you should take a look at Revelstoke if you haven't been already. It is a world class place to ride and I would say we are more than lucky or have it so close by. I plan to spend a lot more time this season exploring all that Revelstoke has to offer!

Follow me @kylaki if you want to hear more about my life with Chad or if you want to see what else I'm up to in Canada and around the world!

As always comments, upvotes and resteems are very much appreciated ❤️

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