Jobless madness

As many of you know, I am on the hunt for a husband job.

You might have read the post comparing dating to job searching. If you didn't, here's a quick recap. Until you are married, you go on a few dates. Some are great, some are not so great, then you meet your husband, the end. Well, I have had a few long-term relationships when it comes to careers. I find a career and I am committed. I've only had one rough breakup, after a three-year-long career. I thought I had moved on, but my next relationship ended up being a rebound for seven months. My shortest career thus far.

Are you still following me?

If not, just pretend all my boyfriends were jobs and nod along. Pretend you understand, hang in there with me, and I promise I have a point. So, the job hunt. It was promising, it was exciting, it was one too many rejects. I've come to the point that I don't even expect a call back at this point. I wonder if this is what a one night stand feels like? Is it? Help me!

What's your point already?

I am becoming numb to dating expecting employers to respond, but then I was chatting and came to a realization. The realization is maybe it's not the employer, but me that's the problem. This person chatting with me is in a similar situation as I. Recently this person lost their job, has been actively looking, and made an interesting comment. They mentioned that their interview skills have been faultless. I find that very hard to believe. Which got me thinking about my interviewing skills.

Where could I improve?

So, I started watching videos, asking a few friends to critique my resume, and the phone interviews started to improve. I hope the job offers start rolling in soon, but the point is to improve. What is your perspective? Are you self-aware? Do you look to improve within, before changing your audience? Is it because I am a woman that I view it this way? sireh kubby draw up process.jpg

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