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"BEP DEL" means one moment in Thai.. 🚴 💨 ♻️

Wow is it really coming round to Steemfest again?

I was just reading @Karinxxl's post and realized wow things have come such a long way in such a short time. Missing Steemfest3 really puts things in perspective for me and compounds the realization that it's really time to commit to this blogging thing! 😂

Sure we've all had bear market pains but as I look around during this long ass dipp 📈 All I see is huge potential for growth and lots more people coming onboard.

Dare we set optimistic Steemfest intentions for next year? Maybe..

Let's see those charts bounce up again first and take some pressure off our necks 🔪 Personally I'd like to get my post consistency rolling over the next two months. Steeming strong again by the end of the year, while still maintaining my dance for the matrix right? 💃

Setting realistic and achievable goals is key to the balance isn't it? One challenge I'm working on is my "all or nothing" default, I feel it's from my childhood or something and I'm determined to break the cycle and keep hitting that post button! Who's with me? Comment below and let's buddy up with our accountability.

So I've been excited to talk about BEP it's Chiang Mai's very first bicycle courier service! 🚴 First and foremost we're a bunch of enthusiasts: aka bike nutters. Besides that we're also a team of Eco-friendly, lean, green, traffic shredding machines!

A much needed pedal-powered, pollution solution. Delivering business packages and private orders all over and around the city. Day and night, come rain or shine! (Mostly fucking shine here in sweltering Chiang Mai💦) Yeah I've been thinking up these silly sayings as I ride around pushing boxes all day.. 📦

We have a FB page, I know, I know.. like I said matrix dance. Anyway it's the place to get hold of us if you're ever in Chiang Mai and need something delivered, collected or you're simply too busy to sit in smelly traffic! 🙀

None of those gas-guzzling Grab or motorbike gangsters can compete with our rates and you'll be supporting our grass roots, local business as well as the environment! 🌱 You can find us or me on the LINE app if you have that: @bepc @kenistyles

One of the best things about being paid to ride around on my bike all day, besides getting crazy fit is learning more about this incredible city. I've seen inspiring posts by @artemislives who often promotes our local Thai artisans and also @karinxxl with her recent bicycles adventures.

So one thing I plan to do in the coming weeks is to share some hidden secrets of Chiang Mai, through the eyes of a bike messenger! That way I can attempt to juggle both passions for blogging and riding.

Also stay tuned for our new @smg competition, we're still working out the details though we already have some cool prizes in store and hope to make it a regular thing. The goal is to support newbie help topics as well as grow our engagement as a group via steem-side posts and comments.

See you tomorrow!

Keni 😄

Here's a vid from an alley cat street race a few years ago where I met the man who's since become a great friend, biz partner and the insane monkey mind behind BEP and Critical Mass CNX! ✊🙊

SMG is a mutual support and co-curation group. Join our discord here.

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