What It Feels Like To Be Hit By A Car

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I was riding my bicycle to my friends house. It was 10:00 A.m. on a Saturday. Perfect time for a bike ride right?
I have a bright yellow road bike, Shes beautiful. Although fairly old, She was made in 1990 Before I was born!!
There was one thing I hated about my bike though.. The curved handle bars, It was my first roadbike and I really wanted one with the straight bars (Hybrid).

But being the cheapskate that I am, I looked on Ebay for a used Roadbike, After figuring out the size of bike I would need for my 5'4 self. I had limited choices. When I saw the yellow bike, I had to have it, Yellow is my favorite color.

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I was riding my bike that day, I wasn't wearing a helmet, But I was wearing my sunglasses.
I was on a road nearby the neighborhood of my friends house.
I looked both ways, And began crossing the street, It was a small two lane road. When I got in the second lane


I felt the most incredible impact I have ever felt in my life, I don't even know how to describe it. But my world went black, But I was still somewhat aware, My brain was still functioning!

Some of my thoughts....
What the hell just happened?
Oh my god I think I just got hit by a car
Am I dead?
If I'm not, I need to get the hell out of the road ASAP Or I'll get hit and this time, I WILL DIE ##
I felt myself slide backwards, I was somehow still on my bike, I couldn't move my legs! They were stuck on something.. I reached my hand out, And felt the front mirror of the car with my hand, As it quickly moved passed me. I still couldn't see anything, But I felt myself tip. My legs still couldn't move, something was holding them down.
The bike fell down with me on it, I was attached to my bike, I fell with my bike onto the concrete the contents of my bag spilling all over the road, My sunglasses, My phone, all laying there.

With an intense adrenaline rush I had to MOVE # I quickly gathered my stuff, grabbed my messed up bicycle which was all bent and messed up, And rushed out of the road. I dropped my bike on the side walk and looked at where I got hit.. My sunglasses were still in the road!

At this point my brain wasn't working
I bolted back into the road to retrieve my stupid 7.00 sunglasses! I got honked at by some lady in a van, And Almost got hit again.

The person who hit me, Was long gone. They hit me, Then drove away

My brain wasn't working well, I was terrified. What if the person comes back, drives up the sidewalk to hit me again!? I was so scared of that happening, Even though it most likely wouldn't. I bolted into the park nearby, My energy level was low, And I was in so much pain all over, I collapsed under a nearby tree where I finally felt safe. I laid there under the tree for a while, My main concern was my bicycle...

I paid 500 for that bicycle, It's my only transportation, I cannot buy another. I started to realize that those curved handle bars saved my life. They held me on the bicycle. The bicycle rolled backwards when hit, The car didn't stop, If I would have fallen off my bicycle, I could of had my legs ran over or my chest. I would of died or been severely injured.

Eventually I was able to get up and look at the damage, I had a massive scrape on my elbow, From the concrete. My knee also had a small scrape. But other than that I was mostly unharmed.
My bicycle took most of the blow, My wheel was completely bent the other way from the impact, I was able to adjust it fairly easily though, But many of my spokes were bent, and my entire wheel was slightly bent.

I was able to get to my friends house fine. But I still didn't feel well. I was really out of it, I didn't think to go to the hospital, that whole week I did nothing but sleep,
It was really bizarre, I'd sleep all night and day, Then I'd go to work, which when I was awake my head was hurting and I could barley function. Then when I got home I'd sleep again. I found out later that I probably had a concussion.
But without seeing a doctor I ended up okay.
I still was able to use my bike, I did basic repairs to it, But nothing fancy right away, After a month of saving up, I gave my bicycle what it rightfully deserved. A week at the bike shop, Where I spent 300.00 In repairs.

The picture on the top, is when I gave it basic repairs,

The photo below is when I gave it a full make over, I bought it new wheels, New tires, I got the shifting totally replaced, and a new seat!

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That was definitely a traumatizing experience for me! And I'm so glad I'm not permanently damaged as a result.
If that person would of stopped to help me, After hitting me. I wouldn't of sued them. Maybe I would of asked them for a little money to help repair my bike, But I am amazed that someone could be so cold.

If you hit someone please stop!!

Don't text and drive! SERIOUSLY!

I don't know what that person was doing, But They had to be doing something they weren't supposed to, While driving. How can you hit someone, on a non busy road on a Saturday at 10:00 A.M. ?
Maybe Utah has too many crazy drivers!!

A tip: Buy bikes with curved handle bars! They could save your life! LOL

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