Our Education System is GARBAGE!

Schools are the stepping stone in shaping the tiny tots to groomed well, educated individuals. This is how emphasized the importance of schools back in the days. However, the above statement becomes questionable in context to the current times. The value of schools can be seen diminishing year after year. This is no assumption, but a fact based on education statistics of the past decade that clearly indicate a downfall in student enrolment and rise in the figures of school and college dropouts. The situation is grave, and it is important to identify the root cause so as to fix these devastating conditions.

Lack of Curriculum: Major issue

A school is a place that must allow each child to explore his interest, the sphere that he possesses a knack for. For this reason, an all-inclusive curriculum is necessary. Time schedule throughout the week should ideally be well distributed between various subjects, art and craft, physical education and games, etc.

However, curriculum now seems like a thing of the past. Today, schools too have fallen prey to the rat race and students are crushed mentally and emotionally under the burden of meeting unrealistic expectations of perfect scores. All focus is shifted to tests and kids have no breathing room even after schools. With cut-throat competition, any amount of tutoring outside school seems insufficient to them.

What are we doing? It seems like we are hell bent on creating robots out of humans. And what for? The education we are imparting does not focus on skill but revolves around mugging up theories! To add to this undesirable mix, education nowadays is more expensive than ever.

The end result is thus obvious – schools are losing their importance.
Practical approach by the professional world

So, consequentially less and less people prefer attending schools and colleges. What about future security, working life?

The professional world is changing too. They now emphasize more on talent than on education. Often those hires with degrees end up losing their jobs for the lack of skills. Therefore, world renowned companies like Google seek talent and not expertise. They look for qualities like passion and grit. With these qualities, companies train employees to their work ethic while giving them opportunities to polish their skills and grow towards attaining expertise.

There are companies that fund further education for employees, but into courses that will facilitate acquiring of relevant skills.

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