Lets Destroy Your Self Confidence!


Having Self Confidence just makes you conceited! When you are confident you will make everyone around you, See you as a total jerk! You can avoid people hating on you, By becoming less confident.

Become Jealous

You should feel threatened and crappy when people are doing better than you in life! There aren't enough slots for everyone to be successful. When other people are doing well, you should be hurt, And take it as personally as you can. They are only doing well to hurt you, And make you look bad. Their success makes them rude and impolite!
When you act out in jealousy, You show your friends and family your feelings towards what they are doing to you. And that the only person in this world who deserves success, Is you!

Live In The Past!

If you've made mistakes in the past, You are a bad person.
You should always beat yourself up for those mistakes and never forgive yourself. It's unacceptable to be happy Because those mistakes you made never should have happened! You screwed up. Now punish yourself for it!

I constantly remind myself about the mistakes I've made. I have made mistakes in past relationships, and as a result, I don't ever deserve to have a healthy relationship. It would be ridiculous for me to feel like I deserve happiness.
Never forgive yourself for past mistakes.

Need Other Peoples Approval

When you do things that are different or scary, You should always seek the approval of everyone else around you! If they don't give you the approval you want, Then you should change what you are doing immediately and apologize. Everyone else's opinion is more important than yours ever will be! If you can't get people to love and approve you, You are doing something wrong! You must be a people pleaser and make everyone happy.


Self-confidence is silly! It makes you a bad person. You fail to live up to others expectations; You may not get jealous, When you rightfully should and living in the present doesn't allow people to learn from all of their horrible mistakes!

This post is a joke!

@lauralemons Drew me !
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