How Addiction Starts?

Addiction is technically the process of getting obsessed with activity.

The activity can be anything from

  • usage of drugs,
  • consumption of alcohol
  • Or other less harmful substances

Addiction alone doesn't mean any problems, where the addiction or cause of dependency is the factor that determines the intensity of the activity. The society has a different approach to addiction, getting seriously committed with activities like games practice, bodybuilding, reading, research doesn't seem like a problem but when the same happens with things that are deemed to be bad like drugs, alcohol, etc. That's when society frowns upon it, and begins to take action or lash back at those activities.

There are various studies related to addiction with drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc. Though the end results might be diverging, factors leading to addiction are same. According to psychologist Martin Benard, addiction is the inner mind finding peace. Here the peace may not be something acceptable by the society. In the eyes of the law, anything that is harmful to self or others, overpowering the self-consciousness, esteem, ability to think and execute decision is treated as an addiction. Treating an addiction is never a choice until it becomes life threatening, but fixing the reason is the best way to eliminate it.

The science of addiction

Addiction is the product of two factors. One is the dependence; another is idleness. Here idleness is a subjective emotion as it has a different meaning in psychology. When a person runs out of activities, they might turn into something that helps them survive the freezing redundancy.

The human body has a property gifted by the nature for survival, its adaptation. When the human system repeatedly uses something, it makes necessary metabolic changes internally to accept its role in metabolism.

Here, say a drug is an external agent that is adapted to the body. But, upon consistent usage, the body demands higher intake to induce the very same feeling that happened in the initial phase. This demanding ability of body has to be confronted by increased usage of drug which finally result in a breakdown of metabolism since each living organism has restraints to hold a matter inside the body.

This is what we see as withdrawal syndromes or drug aftermath, where the body reacts violently so as the mind too. Staying committed and busy in life is one way to keep addiction away. If the mind is fully committed, there is no scope for idleness.

That is often why you see recovering alcoholics and druggies in a more scheduled and consistent environment. This prevents them to returning to their old ways; It gives them a more fuller life, so they do not think of the addiction as often.

Take for example a relationship: You've been in this relationship for ten years, She breaks up with you and abruptly leave. She was your whole life, Your love, your excitement. Is gone! Sitting around doing nothing in life, isn't going to help you forget about her as quickly. But going out with friends, Having a full life, a job, and a busy schedule. Will help!

Don't be afraid to seek help when you are struggling with your addictions. Everyone needs help at times. Even positive things can become an unhealthy addiction.

One addiction I'm struggling with Is Steemit, I think about it all day. I cannot stop. It gets bad. While I love Steemit, and there is nothing wrong with the actual activity of Steemit. Sometimes it can find ways to take over my whole life, To the point, I cannot leave my computer for hours at a time. At some point, I'll need to cut back and focus on other activities.

This is a great example of a great and positive addiction that can have some bad things when abused.

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