Moving again

I dont have much to write these days because (again) I am moving into a new place. But...hopefully this will be the last time for the next couple of months!


Some people get all excited from moving and all the cool stuff that comes with it. I would have to make the fullest disagreement. Even though my move is MEGA chill (2 streets further), it still takes a lot of the energy this week. Did I mention I move my belongings by bike? Yeah, because it is so close I am moving everything on my bike, isn't that the most eco thing you have heard in a long time? unfortunately my gear cable just snapped on the mountain, so I will walk up and down the next couple of days I guess.

Luckily it isn't that much to carry up and down

You see the last couple of years I have been living furnished. I like living furnished. I don't care about stuff (would rather spend my money on experiences), so the stuff that is inside an appartment is more functional than that it looks nice. This is my opinion on it, and I know a lot of people think totally different about this.

But anyway, living furnished is not really a thing here in Lucerne, Switzerland. I know in Zurich here there is a more wide expat community and therefore there are also a lot more furnished options. Not here. So I got my new place a couple weeks back and I realized I don't even have my own glasses of cutlery. NADA

Luckily the friends of Ikea are always around the corner waiting to take your online order and deliver it up two floors, which is beautiful. Ofcourse ordering online a whole house is impossible. I got the basics now (and forgot the other half), and this weekend is alllllll about screwing everything together.

Fun? Not really
Functional? Hell yeah!
Tired now?? Drained to the bone!

Back at it!!

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