Second Virus 🦠 test taken, Plans to decorate 🎨 our bedroom 🛏😁

My daughter had a positive Covid test yesterday so we all had to take a Rapid Lateral flow test where you get the results straight away. Me and hubby had a negative result but with Nichola having a positive test we all have to isolate for 10 days plus I had to register on for 3 PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction tests, these have to be sent away to be tested in a laboratory. I ordered them last night to receive them this morning.

We got up to take the test as soon as we could so we could get them posted back asap. The test is similar to the Lateral Flow test other than you have to break off the swab and leave it in the tube. They have to be wrapped 3 times in bags they send you, wiped down with disinfectant wipes then placed in the cardboard box then seal it with the seal they send you. Hubby went round straight away not stopping to talk to anyone to post them off. We should get the results back within 72 hours.

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Nichola is staying in her room but its not doing her mental health any good not having anyone to interact with plus her bedroom is really warm making her feel uncomfortable, She is OK, we can hear her cough is getting worse so keep leaving cold drinks for her outside her door.

It's lovely having hubby off work, even though at times I could hit him with a shovel. Our days are relaxing no need to rush. I have ordered my online food order leaving a message about us isolating, they should leave my bags at the door then knock giving the driver enough time to get back into his van, that way if we have the virus we won't be spreading it.

Hubby has decided to decorate or bedroom whilst he is off and feeling OK, it been needing doing for so long now I started to give up. He is going to wake me up early then I will come downstairs out of his way as I am no good in the morning, I will go and help once I have woken up properly and not feeling dizzy.

One of us was bound to get it, with hubby working on a building site where quite a few have had to isolate plus with Boris opening up again this new Delta wave is now the biggest threat. I live in the North East where its the highest infected in the country. Just got to hope the vaccine I have had will help. I am more worried about my daughter than I am about myself.

I have an idea how I want the bedroom to look, it has to look cosy as I spend most of my time there, It's going to be my place to relax and unwind and will give me a place to do my meditation.

I have been out into my garden to water my Sunflowers as we are having lovely weather and we are going into heatwave, My Sunflowers will love that as will I as me and hubby can sit out there with the dogs catching our daily dose of Vitamin D and enjoying some fresh air. We have 10 days so may as well get a little tan to cheer us up.

Thank you for visiting. 💟💟

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