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Problems in my Sunflower garden 🌻🌻 winds have been to strong 🌬🌬🍃🌻

When I went to bed last night everything was OK, my harden was doing fine. I was in bed having a hot flush again I have a fan that I keep on but with the massive Gas/Electric price rises I have decided not to use the fan and open the window. We haven't had many winds over the last few weeks but when I opened the window last night the wind was very strong, It was 3 in the morning so didn't really think about my garden, 3am isn't a good time for my brain as I am still in sleep mode. I got back into bed, the room was cooling down lovely when hubby got up to use the bathroom. He went and looked out of the side window noticing my Sunflowers had blown over, After telling me I thought they will have to wait until I get up or I would end up doing more damage, I did ask Hubby is the seeds on the window sill were still there, he said yeah... He obviously didn't look properly as my seeds that would have been ready to pot up were all over the floor.

I got up this morning ready for a fight with my Sunflowers, they were quite tall, the winds had caught them bringing most of them over.

I had to lift each plant carefully, Quite a few branches had snapped I also lost a few heads. Thankfully one head was ready to have its seeds removed, I was surprised how many seeds I collected from one head plus they are good strong seeds. With losing a tray of seeds I had to save as many as I could. The amount I saved today should fill a pot for next years garden.

The winds have stayed pretty strong all day, I gave my Sunflower pots a good watering to give them a weight to support them hopefully to keep standing upwards. I gad to remove a few stalks and tie others to the support canes. The first day of Autumn caused a bit of damage in my garden.

Everything is standing the right way for the time being, I am not sure what the forecast is for tonight. I am hoping the winds die down well until I see the end of my Sunflowers then it can please itself. I still have quite a few good looking blooms but if the winds keep blowing them over they won't be around for very long.

This has made me think about net years garden, I don't want this happening again so may have to add broken bricks to the pot to give it some weight, this will also give the plants a better draining system. My Sunflowers grew taller than my walls so didn't have any protection from the winds. I will be more prepared next year.

On to other things.

I still have my daughter home, I don't know if she will be going to her boyfriends tomorrow as she isn't feeling to good, runny nose, sore throat and not feeling good. She has stayed in bed most of the time she has been here trying to get well. I have told her she can't go there and pass on the symptoms to his family. She will probably make a magnificent recovery just in time for her to go see her boyfriend.

Hubby has cooked me food and tidied up, one more day and the weekend is here. Now time to take my backside up the stairs to bed.

Thank you for visiting. 💟💟