Its that season again 🤧🤧 Coughs and Sneezes Spreads Diseases. 😷😷

Its that time of year again, coughs, sneezes and lots of sniffing. As you know hubby has just come out of hospital so guess what he had brought home with him..


Hospital is the most unhealthy place to be, there are so many sick people there its no wonder you come home with something nasty. We go into hospital we always use the hand gel available but see loads of people not bothering,

Hubby's gran who we lost a couple of years ago hated it when people would sneeze without using a handkerchief or there hand to stop the germs from spreading. She would carry a bottle of Zoflora which is a concentrated disinfectant, it comes in a spray bottle, she would keep a bottle in her bag then when some sneezed she would secretly spray it hoping to kill the germs. She hated having a cold so did everything she could to stop her catching a cold.

I do see a lot of careless people sneezing and coughing without covering up then immediately think of her, i also think she was right if people took more care where they spread there germs maybe we wouldn't suffer with cold so much. I am a lot like gran as i hate having cold. I can get through quite a lot but when i have cold it knocks me out. Maybe it has something to do with me having Asthma. I spent a lot of time away from school when i had cold, I would always get a chest infection with a really bad cough that i would cough so much i would be sick. Every since i have been given an inhaler for my Asthma i haven't had a cough like that again.

I now get a Flu injection every year, its stopped me from getting poorly over the Winter, I get one free with having Asthma. I think hubby should have one with him working outside plus with the problems he has had lately the last thing he needs is to catch the Flu. It will cost him around £15 , its definitely worth getting.


He is sitting on his deckchair cuddled up in his fluffy dressing gown sniffing, sneezing and coughing. He has to try and not cough to much with his bowel still healing, we don't want anything popping. No Doubt he will get the Man Flu and we all know how bad that is...

man flu.jpg

I can hear him moaning under his breath, its really sad bless him he is really suffering. Every time he sneezes there's a moan, when he coughs there's another moan, Man up you wimp. Only joking, I really feel sorry for him he has been really poorly.

Thank you @son-of-satire

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