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Having a day out helped me forget for a little while.

Its been a few days since i posted on here, i have had no motivation to write plus have been feeling low. Im still feeling better than i was, taking each day as it comes one step at a time and not putting to much pressure on myself. Some days are good others are bad, i just have to get through them with the support from my family.

My sister took me out in Saturday, we arranged to go for a coffee and chat but once i had said yes she arranged a trip out with a friend we both grew up with, this friend is more like a younger sister to me, she's always there for me and never lets me down. My sister knows i love to have a wander around a garden centre especially at this time of year as they usually have loads of Christmas Decorations out.

We went to a garden center i didn't know, i thought i had been to all of them around me so was very surprised to find this one. It wasn't as big as the others but big enough for me to get around. We spent ages looking at the Christmas Decorations, they had rooms each filled with a different colour and theme.

We were pleasantly surprised to see they had a paddock with Reindeers. We spent a while watching them. Not sure Rudoloh was there. One was enjoying a rest whilst the other one was to busy eating to raise his head, those antlers look very impressive.



Once we were finished in the garden centre we thought it was time for some food. We were planning to go the garden centre cafe as the food looked lovely but the massive queue put us off, we ended up in a pub on the way home where we had Baked Camembert with crusty bread. It was delicious.


I had been out for 4 hours, i wss exhausted when i got home but felt a little lighter as If a weight had been lifted. A few hours out having a chat and reminiscing about our childhood (the good parts) took my mind away from my dark thoughts and made them a little brighter. It was just what i needed to keep me moving forward. Tomorrow is a new day, Yesterday can't be rerun.

Thank you @son-of-satire