Falling in love 🥰 Do you remember how it felt ❤ 😫 🪣 🤢🤮

Do you remember the first time you feel in love, the butterflies in your stomach, the excitement of seeing your partner, wanting to be with them all the time, Loving what they do, Who needs a bucket. Then 30 years later your married and those things you loved start getting on your nerves. Only joking.

I've been watching my youngest daughter with her new boyfriend, her loving the cute messages he has sent the smile when she recieves a text from him, her rushing about so she can get to see him quicker, they are both so cute. She send me photos of when there together, They make me smile because she looks so happy.


He bought her a bunch of flowers something he has never done with any other girl and the 1st time my daughter has recieved any. She hated the idea of throwing them out. I cut off 2 of the besheads then placed them into my gardening journal then placed that under something heavy. They have been there for a couple of weeks, when I showed her she was really happy. I am hoping to laminate them for her so she can put them in her box where she saves cinema tickets, etc in her memory box.


I never did anything like that, I can't even remember the date we met, I used to be called The Ice Lady as I never showed any emotion, I was nasty to hubby when we started going out, he kept coming back the next day with a smile. He knows now why due to the abuse. I am pleased my daughter can show it and enjoy the emotions. Its really sweet sometimes sickly sweet.

Thank you for visiting. 💟 💟

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