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Time is Gold

"Time starts now!"... "Time is up!"

These are the words we often hear as a sign to begin to or to end something. These words remind us that there is an end to anything that we do. Just like when we hear that: "Its time to eat!" or "Its time to go home". But there are times that the emotions brought by these words are anxiety, depression or even fear. For those applying for a job its fearful to hear "Its time for interview". For those who are taking exams, it brings anxiety when you hear "Time is up! Pass your papers". For office workers who are still on their reports, it brings pressure to hear "Deadline today". Its very hard when are in this kind of situations. It brings so much pressure.
Indeed it is very challenging to meet the demands of time and how you manage your time in any aspect of our lives. How do we face these challenges to develop our talents and abilities, to be productive and contrinute to the betterment of our family, community and to the society as a whole?
