Hello from the back of my van in some field somewhere.


Well I'm totally new here, which I guess is pretty unremarkable as lots of people join all the time. I'd like to think that the more remarkable aspect is that I'm no spring chicken which just goes to show that you can teach an old dog new tricks- even if they (whoever they are) say you can't. Some might call me a silver surfer but I dye my hair so if you see any silver let me know please!

So yes I'm in a van in a field. In fact I spend about 4 months of the year in this van in assorted fields as I travel the music festivals in the UK. I spend my winter months in Thailand and my summer months rather filthy and feral in the back of my camper van. It's a great life. In fact my life is a dream and it seems the dream of many others who say, "I love your life!". I always find that rather strange as it's my damn dream no one else's.... create your own dreams. I'm in the positive thinking game (amongst other things) and believe that you can change your life from boring and mundane to an incredible and amazing adventure. I took a leap of faith less than two years ago as I was heading towards 60 years old and decided to up sticks and spend the winters in Thailand. I got out of my own way and just did it.

So once I get to grips with DTube and how this all works I'll let you in on my life and the crazy wonderful world I live in.

Oh by the way, here are some facts about me that you might be interested in and that maybe I can use as blog content if it's at all going to float anybody's boat.

I've just self published a book on Amazon!
I'm an adoptee and also relinquished a child when I was a teen - but it's happy endings all around so don't feel sad.
I have a Thai street dog and a cat with a wonky jaw.
I run and I do yoga sometimes.
I had a cobra encounter last year.
An almost newborn kitten fell from my roof into my hands.
I own a Vegan cafe on Koh Samui, Thailand.
I have some crypto currency (and I can remember the time before we went decimal!)

So if you think any of that lot might be interesting blog fodder just hit me up and let me know. :)

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