RE: University Study Shows Building 7 not Dropped by Fires; Enemedia: Crickets


Long live Alaska, which is kind of like a conservative version of a liberal Hawaii. Some leftists may find it difficult to travel over to Alaska to mess it up. Some leftists probably don't like the cold. So, patriots can keep it strong.

9/11 Truth

It's easy to look at the videos and notice how Building 7 went perfectly down in the same way the two twin towers did. As a sixteen year old watching the WTC fall, I felt like I was watching a movie as real things do not fall straight down like that outside of controlled demolitions. If the fires were melting WTC, it would have done so at a slower speed and not straight down.

Pancake Fiction

But the entire thing went down. But there was no fire all over the building. Sure, the top parts could have fell, but not the entire thing from top to bottom. As a kid, watching it live on television, fall to the ground, I was expecting it to stop falling. It kept on falling and falling and falling. And my brain did not know what to do with it. I didn't know all that I know now, 19 years later. But I knew it was odd. But I was trying to have an open mind.


And on TV, they said terrorists. And my brain didn't know what to do with this new word as a teen. I simple saw it as a criminal or a bad guy. So, I was thinking, how is that different than before? We have always had villains. This is not new. We have police and military. Why? Because we have bad people. After September 11, 2001, the television had live coverage, 24/7, for months. It was non-stop just like it is now with Corona Virus 2020. With 9/11, the talk was about these bad people. My brain started wondering how it could be even be possible for bad guys to come out of nowhere to do that. And I thought that it was not really a new thing. And I thought that you cannot stop terrorism as it is simple crime and we have always had crime.

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