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@joeyarnoldvn This is nonsense and has hardly articulated much of a point...sort of like your posts. I mean, let's read over this particular post about the NFL. You ask a bunch of rhetorical questions with zero context and think that is contributing anything? It's not even an opinion. You say you believe in objectivity yet provide no evidence of that whatsoever.

So let's break down your followup. I am not sure what you're trying to say about oatmeal and ironic mystic empires, nor do I know why you're bringing in Muslims, so I am going to skip that. Feel free to elaborate. Otherwise, you state the NFL is dead and dying (OBJECTIVELY impossible to be both, FYI) yet provide no reason why anyone should believe that. Maybe you're referring to the oft quoted decline in ratings, but that overlooks the fact that TV ratings are largely down across the board thanks to other ways to watch (Internet, etc). It also overlooks the fact that NFL games have still commanded roughly half of TVs top-10 viewed programs on a weekly basis.

You then say I made a false statement and ignore what you do. Funny how I say you just post other people's work...which you can see by, I don't know, clicking on your posts and taking the 2 seconds the read the blather you post, then watching the videos others have made. Nothing false about it, you're just trying to make a few bucks as easily as possible. Maybe instead of constantly posting other people's work, you should come up with material on your own. Then, at least, your mindless dribble would actually be yours.

If you would like to actually articulate any of your points and have an actual discussion about them, feel free.