the donation was a very good job

Alms are simple. Easy origin want only. Unfortunately, we often procrastinate if you want charity. Or often say "Yes later." In fact we often forgetfulness if you want or not alms. Yes No?



It's a simple donation. Is not difficult. Easy kok. Just maybe, we are not familiar. Therefore, starting from the small. Donations should be trained, and conditioned. Inshallah will be a blessing for people who like donations. Believe it or not? IYA is not hard to believe, because believing in Allah. But donations just do it.


Today we have managed to collect alms from a couple of friends who wanted to share to the poor people who were in the vicinity of the place of the educational halls around our abode..



There is the unique way we do is split a repository to anyone who is willing to give a donation to the Education Hall. So many are taking place. After that we did a few hours later, the opening of the venue. Really very happy of the results we get passable for a hefty initial steps quickly. Hopefully this way can be an example to us how to be spirit to compete in donating money.

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