ATV Tour Through the Sierra Madres Mountains ~ #beingatourist

It's been a nice change of pace having my oldest brother in town with his only son, my nephew, tagging along. They flew in on Thursday, and we've been able to join them on some touristy things. Most recently, we took an ATV tour through the Sierra Madre mountains, where we stopped at a sweet waterfall. At the end, we had a decent meal, along with a free tequila tasting.


The wife and I shared an ATV whereas my bro and his son had their own. I don't know if I would have trusted my wife on her own anyway, lol. There were some really steep hills that I could see an inexperienced driver going too fast and falling down the mountain.


I grew up with ATV's, so I was doing everything in my power to fish tail on the turns and floor it to the max at every opportunity.


We were second in line behind the guide, and boy, did we get dusty!!! Doing this without the supplied bandanas to cover our faces would have been damn near impossible. Even with the bandana, the googles, and helmet, my eyes were still crusty with rocks and dust when we were done.

The waterfall was so amazing, I think they might be my favorite thing Mexico has offered me so far. I feel so rejuvenated and refreshed when I swim in that water. It's cold, but so welcoming. Not like a shower that's cold and you don't want to get in. I don't know what it is, but it puts me in my happy place.




It was so nice to have a babysitter to watch all the kids, get some alone time with the wife, and join my bro and nephew on a cool excursion.

If you're ever in the area, we went with Canopy River excursions. Took a shuttle to their camp at the top of the mountain, and then did all the activities. Afterwards a nice new big van with AC took us back to town. All in all, it was about 6 hours.




You can also ride horses, swim in their pool, zip line all over the place, or just sit, enjoy the view, and have a meal. I would recommend it, we had a good time, albeit the food was pretty meh.


Thanks for reading and keeping up with me.

Much love y'all.

Hive on!


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