Be you graceful with no easy complaints in all situations


It is difficult to control the heart to not complain when it is lacking, but make sure we are never bored to learn to be patient and sincere for everything that happens.

Train your heart to remain graceful in any circumstances, because when you are able to be patient, God will give you more good for you.

On the contrary, still be wise when you get what is delicious in this world, never be proud when God gives you the opportunity to overdo it, because it will only reduce the good that God has given you.

Be you graceful with no easy complaints in all situations, difficult? Learn! Because you always have the opportunity to always learn.

Still difficult? Be patient! Because training the heart to always be wise does need the name patience, the reason for patience is the habit of being graceful will be created.

In addition, in order to train the heart to be graceful, it is easy to do, so learn to always soften your heart with gratitude.

Because when the heart is able to soften by continuing to give thanks to God, then that's where the heart will always be soft by being legowo and wise.

There is no limit to our practice, because the more we practice it the more elegant our heart will be. So, it is a joy to train the heart to always be sincere and sincere about everything that happens.

Do not confuse things that are not good, because whatever it is is the way from Allah for you to train your heart to get used to being graceful by not complaining.

Instead, keep graceful in controlling your heart to remain wise when God grants everything you want.

Because being granted does not mean you are wasting, but more precisely this is the way from God so you keep in mind that everything you get is a deposit.

Because, with you remembering that, then to control the heart by not being arrogant will be very easy.

Remember, the elegance of the heart is not created just like that, there is hard work and effort that you must always train.

And if it's difficult, then keep learning to be patient, because patience is what will lead you on the easy way, so you can accept everything wisely.

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