Simple Fun at Aunt's Place

Saturday again! Time flies. Week by week comes and goes in a blink of an eye. Really need to treasure every minute every second as time waits for no man. We were at Aunt's place again, this time a quick one because I needed to rush home as my brother borrowed car from me.

We gobbled up our food so fast that I forgot to take pictures of those nice delicious dishes on her table but I did pack back some for our dinner. She said she purposely cooked alot today so that we could bring home for our dinner. After half an hour eating, the boys said they wanted to play first before we headed home.

Sweet memories with the blocks

These blocks are passed down from generation to generation. Can you believe my husband played these when he was young at Aunt's place, and now our sons played the same toys. I have no idea how she maintained the toys but all look good.


Not only these blocks set, there are others. Different category of toy into different basket. People in the olden days do not buy a new set of toys until the recent ones are faulty. Unlike nowadays, children have the luxury to keep on buying toys, hehe.



After playing these for half an hour, I told them we really needed to go home. Then they lied down said they were going to miss the place and the fluffy bed. Boys, I was not kidding, we really needed to go home. They asked me to take picture of them relaxing here.


Mum, can we nap here next week?

I shall reply them another time. Haha.

❤️Love from me❤️


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