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Seeking Wisdom - A Disadvantage of Our Modern Age in Polarizarion


In today's world, increasing polarization and fear of stepping on toes makes gaining wisdom that much harder. Gaining wisdom is key for growth and life for everyone on Earth. Life flows from wisdom.

Walking on eggshells and avoiding difficult conversations is not a way to progress society or gain wisdom. Wisdom is the sum of observation, critical thinking, experimentation and rumination over time. Those who avoid one side of an argument due to a perceived superiority to that side are missing a key aspect to gaining wisdom.

The conservative and liberal sides have become more and more polarized as political movements have crafted their existence on one side or another. The entrenchment of these political movements into the soil of society has effectively stopped important questions from being asked.

The urban and rural divide has created a major impediment to gaining wisdom as well. Urban and rural environments are both essential to life, and those who debase either side of the equation are doing a major disservice to those who seek wisdom. I have lived in both cities and rural environs, and appreciate both offerings. I prefer a more rural lifestyle, but gained wisdom on human interaction and a variety of cultures in a large city. You won't hear me discrediting the merits of city life, it is just not for me.

As a people, we need to stop polarizing our society, and having tough conversations. It is easy to debase one side while embracing another, but this runs counter to building society and gaining wisdom.

Image from Pixabay