An Open Mind Begets Happiness


 "Open Your Mind, Open Your Life: A Little Book of Eastern Wisdom" by Taro Gold, is a pocket size book picked up at a thrift store this past weekend. It opens by discussing that thoughts create reality. Everytime that has ever been created began as a thought. Then discusses how everyone wants to be happy in life, and our happiness, or lack of happiness, shapes our thoughts. The prelude concludes by hitting the key point, "As spring water rushes through open earth, so happiness flows through open lives."  This tiny pocket book is full of 89 pages of ancient wisdom. Most likely my most valuable thrift store purchase to date. 

As with most books, I enjoy reading the first few pages and the last pages, then take my time on each page. This book I made it to page 2 before deciding to stop and contemplate these words.

"Focus on the positive in life, for what you focus on increases."
This is why I have decided to stop blogging my nicotine journey. There is enough information about cigarettes available to people. I would rather write about something beneficial, like Eastern Wisdom, healthy recipes, or yoga, than to keep reminding myself how horrible it is, although it did force me to think about the serious adverse health consequences of smoking and learn new information.

"Everything you need to break unhealthy cycles of behavior is within you."
Encouraging for anyone wishing to make positive changes in their life.

"The pursuit of truth attracts critics."
In other words, don't be discouraged from your path because others disapprove. Any way you live your life can be criticized simply for being different.

Looking forward to reading a page or two a day to help open myself to new ways of thinking.

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