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You Know My Name Not My Story..


I watched a video a few minutes ago about a girl who was born a little deformed. She’s extremely tiny and she looks very different from the average person. She is also blind in her right eye, and has struggled with her appearance for a long time. Now you can just imagine the comments people made, especially throughout her school years... Kids are cruel. 🧒

When she got to High School, she found a viral video of herself online claiming that she’s the ugliest woman in the world😮. She was devasted by this. The video had 4.7 million views and she could not find one good comment.


This just got me thinking that people don’t know her story, they don’t know why she looks the way she looks. Even though I think she’s beautiful, because there’s something very beautiful inside her that shines on the outside. Despite her bad luck at life, she’s inspiring people all over the world today and she didn’t give up. She was determined to succeed! And that right there inspires me.

But let’s take this story to you and me... How many times have people not made up a story about you in their minds which is based purely on their perception and assumption? I’ve heard things about me before and I think to myself, “oh boy if you only knew!”. It’s crazy what people come up with in their minds.

This takes me back to yesterday when I was on my mothers radio show at Hope Fm. We were speaking on perceptions and how dangerous it actually is!
You don’t know somebody else’s starting place and what they’ve been through to be where they are today. This is why social media can really be a stumbling block for some. We wish for somebody else’s life because it seems so “perfect” online. People show you what they choose to show you. They’re not going to show you the bad, only the good.

You may know their Instagram handle but you don’t know their background or their story.

Keep that in mind today as you scrolllll
Let’s fix our perception.