[SOS Meditations] 7 Health Benefits for doing daily meditation ! [Incl 20 min binaural meditation video]

SOS Meditations

7 Health Benefits by doing so daily !

Hey everyone, we all know that stress is the number one health risk we all daily face in our lives. Stress can form from in many different way and for many different reasons. It can come from school, work, friend but also just your home situation can cause many stress. And for many generations we know that stress can cause serious health issues.

So today we will discus some reasons why meditation is so healthy for you to do. Its not just sitting on a pillow and closing your eyes, its the fact that you take some time for your self to reduce the stress levels within your body. You yourself are able to reduce some of the stress you adjure daily just by focusing your mind and getting rid of all the negative energy. And over time if you do the regular enough for certain amount of time it will help / learn you how to control your stress during the day. So in short meditations is a war to learn control stress and adjure less. Less stress equals a healthier body so meditation is healthy ;)

Here is a video i love to use while meditating.
once ill make more videos they will be uploaded to SOS Meditations

Meditation raises immune system

Relaxation boosts the immunity in recovering cancer patients, shown by a study of the Ohio State University. They found that progressive muscular that is practice daily reduces the risk of breast cancer and boosts the killer cells in elders giving them a greater resistance to viruses.

Meditation Creates an Emotional Balance

Meditation gives you the opportunity to be able to take more control of you feelings. Emotional balance, means to be free of all the behaviors that result from existence of a tortured and traumatized ego. This is something that is very hard to achieve but meditation can provide a way. if your consciousness is cleansed of emotionally soaked memories, it gives you a feeling of such freedom but it also provides a better balance. But isn't just great to experience the feeling of freedom, of no stress and the feeling you are in control.

Meditation Increases Fertility

In a study at The University of Western Australia found that women are more likely to fertilize an egg when feeling relaxed then feeling stressed. And a study at the Trakya University in Turkey has found that relaxation reduces the sperm count and motility, suggesting it may boost fertility.

Meditation Relieves Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The State University of New York started to recommend meditations as a effective treatment for patience with irritable bowel syndrome. A study has shown when patients with this syndrome were practicing meditation, their symptoms of bloating, diarrhea and constipation improved significantly.

Meditation Lowers Blood Pressure

Meditations makes your body less receptive of the stress hormone, therefor lowering the stress levels in your body and the blood pressure. A study at Harvard Medical School shown that meditation can do this. Meanwhile a British Medical Journal found that patience that trained them self how to relax had significantly lower blood pressure.

Meditationis a Anti-Inflammatory

Stress leads to inflammation and is linked to heart disease, arthritis and skin conditions like psoriasis. Meditation creates relaxation and therefor it helps preventing such symptoms by decreasing the production of the stress hormone. One study at the McGill University has concluded that meditation clinically improves the symptoms of psoriasis

Meditation creates Calmness

The difference between those who do and don't meditate how we use and experience emotions. Those that meditate have a higher resistance against emotions, specially those that are uncontrolled. Wile thoughts for non-meditators can be overwhelming, those that do meditate learn to control this as it's just another emotion, another thought that passes by to become part of history. Learning to meditate is not just sitting on a pillow and closing your eyes. It provides you many more things as for example a way to control your emotions. And if you are relaxed in mind and body you will experience calmness


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