Adventure To The Creek Starring Aiden and Annabelle

 A big thanks to everyone who showed love for Aiden in my post, “Having A Son With Down Syndrome - An Introduction To Aiden”. I figured since I will be watching my kids today I would share our adventure to the creek with everyone.

The Day Begins

7:30 AM, I head downstairs past our dog Iggy at the bottom, both kids are laying on the couch and like always I can count on Aiden to yell out, dada in the cutest little voice as he comes up and gives me a hug around one leg.

Thinking of what to do for the day since I am stuck taking care of these two rascals I figured let’s take an adventure to the creek. So I let both kids know that was the plan for the day. They seemed enthusiastic so I thought maybe this will go smoothly for once since for my daughter the creek is hit and miss. She is almost four and has a very strong opinion which means she can make things 10X harder than it needs to be. Luckily today was going well.

Getting The Kids Ready

After eating some food it was time to get these punks ready to go.  You see getting these kids ready is no easy task, as most parents would testify to.

Today the requests for my daughter were Too-Too Dress and Pigtails and her sparkle shoes. Easy order, no problem. She decided to stick her tongue out for the pictures.

 Next, my son had to have his Spiderman Shirt and that was it, no problem.  Well that only took 5 hours and now it was time to get going. 

Loaded the kids and the dog into the SUV and headed off to the creek a short drive away.

The Adventure Begins

I can see that both kids were stoked to be going on this walk today. There is something extra special about being outdoors and playing in nature as a kid. I know for myself some of my fondest memories are building forts by the creek or hiking and exploring places where no one lived. As we pull up to park I can tell Aiden recognized where we were because he let out a big Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. 

After unloading the double BOB stroller I grab the dog and the kids. Yeap, they were excited all right, as soon as I turn my back to lock up the truck they take off running down the sidewalk without me. I yell out STOP and the both come to a stand still. Wait for me I tell them.
Soon we are all together and moving forward. Things are going well. No face plants so far. Aiden decides to take a little rest so I have to give him the option of stroller or walk. He quickly chooses walk and were on our way.

At the creek and moving forward.

Annabelle decides she wants to push the stroller after seeing Aiden push it so I tell Aiden to let Annabelle have a turn and he does. 

Of course when it comes time for Annabelle to give up the stroller for Aiden, It’s no way. Aiden decides differently and takes it back from Annabelle and hightails it away. LOL.

Throwing Rocks In The Creek

Finally we make it to the first rock throwing spot in the creek. This is the main highlight for the creek trip. That and walking in the creek. 

I think there is just something about making those big splashes that a kid really loves. 

They compete for who can get the biggest rock and make the biggest splash.

Aiden Goes Crazy With The Stroller

On the way to the next spot to throw rocks Aiden decides he wants to push the stroller again. I thought sure why not let the little guy have fun pushing the stroller.  Well without thinking about it the trail started heading down and that stroller is about three times the size of Aiden so the stroller and Aiden go down and then then just the stroller right into a tree. No harm done it’s built tough.

This Is The End

One last stop for throwing rocks.  There are several good spots for stopping along the creek for throwing rocks so today my kids decided to pick a different place than usual by a bench that’s alongside the trail.  

Once we get down there Aiden has plans of his own. I turn my head for ten seconds to talk to Annabelle and Aiden takes off both shoes and throws them into the creek and is trying to get to his socks next.

Quick to react I grab both shoes and help him take his socks off before he can. After trying to walk on the rocks he quickly changes his mind and back on go the shoes. Little Punk!


Time to head back home. A little log walking looks fun.


Ahh! A Challenge. No problem I think he's got it.

A little help and he's up and now king of the stump.

Thanks for checking out our Adventure To The Creek.

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