Sharing Real And Personal Content On Steemit


I have little...

to no income. No home. My possessions in this world will soon consist of little more than a backpack with some clothes, sleeping gear and some small utilitarian items. I live day to day, moment to moment. Many will not understand the way I live or they may cast judgement or any number of projections at me.

I choose this. It is not always an easy way. I struggle with fear. I wrestle with the world of money. The path is not always clear cut. Sometimes it is covered by a thicket of thorns. Fear is always there, but ultimately it isn't real. But, this is where I am right now stepping in andd out of the fear loop. I won't go into the politics or morals of this. My rejection of what I see in this world is no longer fed by the hard edge of resistance. I am not a victim. I just am. My rejection of the heartless systems I see isn't angry. I am not here to throw judgement at others anymore for the way they live. I made peace with all that.

I am working on honing what I share. I notice content on Steemit that is for lack of a better description, garbage. And yet, it gets tons of votes and Steem dollars. Something is flawed in this whole thing.

What I share may not be great, mind shattering info. It may not have bling, but I will try to remain honest and if others want to know, I will share what I can about living minimally. I am just trying to be real here even if I don't get paid like others do.

Thank you for reading my friends! Much love.

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