Letting Love Win


When we step aside...

from the chatter in our minds we can begin to connect with what we are, this pure love and forgiveness. We can't fix all the bullshit in the world by constantly charging against it like a raging bull. I can't stop what others do or how they treat me. However, I can change how I react and perceive. How I feel and behave.

It is coming time to let it all go. This is a space I have been before and may visit again and again. It is not my place to stand in judgement and condemnation of people in my life whether they are periphery figures or active players. I can take that route. We can choose to be the biggest assholes, callous and mean, or we can choose another way. Some choices are seemingly automated, while others we enact from a place of whole consciousness. In the end, maybe it is always coming from a place of a broader consciousness that we may or may not be aware of in any given moment.

As I continue to work through this transition I am choosing to let love win and allow forgiveness that I have stiffled in recent months to regain it's voice in my heart. It can really be a simple act of stepping out of the way and just letting it thrive.

I will continue to expand on this and share what I can. My hope is that as I do I can inspire others to adopt this and step into this light with me. This world is full of far too much distraction, division, blindness and hate. Walk with me my friends as we take our rightful place of loving conscious beings exposing the lies, corruption and hate with the power of heart.

Much love❤👣🔥🐾🌍

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