Finding Personal Power, Again and Again...


I am learning how...

to do this as it sometimes feels like a recurring event. Many times in our lives we may find ourselves spinning from the seemingly relentless forward motion of life. It is during these challenges that we can stand up and take our power back.

Proclaim it to yourself, eliminate distractions and get quiet. Let whatever is reveled to you show up without resistance. Feel that you are so much more than this continual mind chatter. These are all practices I come back to again and again. And in so doing, I can dive further into a creative well of self empowerment.


I go a little farther in my personal prescription. I know that losing touch with myself, over indulging, getting lost and confused are actually necessities for me to dive into from time to time.

Life isn't some static adventure.

What would be the fun in that? Finding personal power sometimes involves risks and stepping out of the well known comfort zones. Putting yourself places you never thought you would be or you may have allowed self limiting beliefs and judgements to stop you from going.

The trick isn't to be some guru, but to live from your humanity in an empowered way that works for you individually, and hopefully can touch others in the world in some positive way.

Thanks for reading and supporting me!

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