Allowing Your Dreams To Happen


When I stop...

and let all the thoughts flood out, I can feel the dream come back. I am not sure what I want to share with you or what I can say to catch your attention, but I know I want rewarding connections and to make beautiful posts at least some of the time as far as Steemit intersects in my life.

There has been a lot of resistance in my life to allowing "success" to happen. It is such an arbitrary word and I have fought against it. I don't operate well according to societies commands, systems that I feel are oppressive or detrimental to the totality of life on this planet. It has both hindered and helped me at various times. But now, I am letting all of my old habits and behaviors go.


What if I allowed myself to dream bigger? What if I could really achieve it? Not more shiny things to get attached to. Something more valuable; being, living, breathing freely in this world. Free to choose any path without getting caught in the old paradigm and not having fear around money is a part of it for now.

Part of allowing dreams to happen and unfold is stepping out of the way so we can know what those dreams are. When I say dreams, I mean the things in my life that my heart is drawn to. Places where I find passion and motivation to do things that fulfil me and bring happiness and peace.

As I step more into this new version of self, I am increasingly in a state of allowance. Anything that doesn't feel aligned with my trajectory is fading and I am left with freedom to choose free of the restraints others may place upon me.

Thank you for reading and sharing as I evolve, change and try new things here on Steemit!

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