Meme time! Brought to you by 9gag!

As I have written many times before I gave up on traditional social media almost entirely. It was getting too toxic with politics and just like most people I wasn't doing anything productive on there. When I started seeing friends and family members going at one another over politics I decided it was time for me to go and go I did. I haven't had anything to do with FB or IG in 4 years. I was never involved with Twitter so I don't know what that's like.

Now I'm not saying that 9gag is a wonderful and productive way to spend your free time either but at least when you see arguments on there it is all anonymous and you aren't going to have a falling out with Aunt Janet because she is slightly different from you on some obscure political horse crap.


I find a lot of funny stuff on there that makes me laugh. Most of it isn't very PC so you can expect to get your feelings hurt in 9gag if you are overly sensitive.

Here are some things that made me think or made me laugh in the past week.


This isn't one film in particular, it is basically all of them. As someone who recently tore a muscle in his back I am no stranger to pills and how they do NOT start to work right away. I have also taken just one tablet too many of a prescription in the past and it really messed me up. So the film guy of just taking a random amount of them and slurping them down, yeah, gonna call BS on that.


9gag isn't just a place to find the funny stuff, it is also where I get most of my world event news from. You can normally get some clarification in the comments as well in case someone is spreading fake news stories around. This actually did happen but the poster intentionally left the date of the original article out. This happened back in 2013 and I don't know why the person who posted it felt the need to try to mislead the 9gag audience but like I said, this gets pointed out in the comments. I actually think that 9gag is likely a better source of getting your news than actual news sites are because if it is BS, it will be pointed out and upvoted in the comments. Just stay away from anything related to US politics because that is the usual shouting competition of neither side being willing to admit ANY fault.


This meme is something I encounter every single day when I take Nadi either downstairs to go on a "poopy walk" or when I take her upstairs to the gym with me. I would imagine that she has absolutely zero concept of what an elevator is and we just refer to it as the "magic closet." I think she can predict to some degree where we are going because if we are going to the lobby she has her walking harness on and if we are going upstairs to the gym I have a gym bag with me. Other than that, I would imagine that this incredible beeping metal box is just something that takes us to another completely different reality. We never lived in buildings with elevators until Nadi was 6 years old, so initially she was quite afraid of it.

On a couple of occasions I have gone downstairs to pick up some food and I let her come with me. She doesn't know how to react to the downstairs area if she doesn't have her harness on and I believe she thinks she isn't allowed down there without it on. One particularly funny day I got my food and turned around and Nadi just wasn't there. Someone had called the elevator to another floor and Nadi just went on a ride to say hello to everyone and initially I panicked and made a note of all the floors the elevator had gone to while I was standing in the lobby. Thankfully she is a very good dog and a few minutes later there she was in the magic closet wagging her tail and very happy to see me.


This one is funny to me because I was there Gandalf, I was there when all of this happened. Google is such a dominant powerhouse that it is hard to believe that Yahoo was basically the untouchable crew that basically controlled all websearches. Sure there were other options but Yahoo was the go to. When Google was first pointed out to me in college I thought it was pretty neat because it was a lot more "clean" than Yahoo, Altavista, Dogpile, Webcrawler, or any other search engine that existed because all of the other ones had their homepage loaded up with paid advertising. Google revolutionized the industry and it is just amazing when you look at this timeline and see how poorly Yahoo was managed over the years.

It still exists as a company today but the only thing I ever use it for is their relatively decent sports aggregate page. I still like US sports, I am just not enough of a fan to stay up until the middle of the night to see them.

I'm kind of surprised that Verizon was willing to pay that much for it but then again 2016 was a while ago and I am not even sure if Verizon exists as a company anymore either because I haven't had anything to do with USA other than having a passport from there for nearly 20 years. Is it still a company?


Tweets are frowned upon by the overlords of the 9gag community but since I do not have Twitter and wouldn't use it if I did, I actually appreciate it when some of the gems come through over on 9gag. I don't feel as though this is a particularly clever story but it made me laugh. I certainly hope that most of you get it.

That's all I got for now as it was a rather tame week on 9gag since I block all content about Russia/Ukraine or anything about Trump/Biden. That's another benefit of 9gag I suppose, you can decide what sort of content you want to see and any post that is mis-labeled gets downvoted to oblivion. I highly suggest you check it out if you, like tens of millions of other people out there are starting to wake up and realize that traditional social media is actually pretty bad for you and your mental health.

I still check in on FB every now and then to see which one of my cousins has another kid or something like that but when I did the great purge of "friends" over there I got rid of 90% of the people in my list. Now my feed, which I rarely look at is so spartan that FB doesn't really even know what to show me so I end up with mostly ads.

I would just do away with it altogether but some businesses here in Vietnam refuse to communicate with customers by any other means.

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