The coolest things Chris Hadfield taught us about space....

 You cannot make sandwiches with bread in space.

 Why? Because bread can leave crumbs, and that is not good if they float around. Instead, Chris Hadfield used tortillas.  

You can still brush your teeth, but there's a catch.

 In order to get rid of the toothpaste, the only option you have is to swallow it.  

You will have a hard time getting things dry.

 Even if you wring as hard as you can, it will be difficult to dry the washcloth.  

You will vomit in these special bags.

 These bags were specifically made for astronauts so their vomit will not go all over if ever they get sick.  

You can still shave, but you cannot use water

 So how will you do it? Well, Chris Hadfield had this awesome shaving cream that easily keeps the whiskers around.  

Having a haircut also needs extra measures.

For one, the hair clipper to be used should be connected to a vacuum to  prevent any of the fallen hair from moving around the station.  

Even in space, you can still have desserts.

 Specifically, Chris Hadfield had pudding that was always contained in pouches like this one. 

 The vegetables in space need to be rehydrated.

 You need to use a special machine to rehydrate them because they are contained in dehydrated packs.


This is how you wash your hands while at the International Space Station. 

 You use a customized pouch of soapy water that you simply rub on your hands.  

This is how you clip your nails.

In order to prevent any nail clippings from floating around, you must clip your nails near an air vent. 

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