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Golan Heights and Crimea


I saw an opinion piece yesterday and it was about the US willing to recognize the Golan Heights as a part of Israel and why they don't recognize Crimea as a part of the Russian Federation. Seems a valid point of view to me, both territories were wrestled from their former owners through devious means.

I hear some say Israel is in their right because they took it over in a war, but then China has also taken over the Spratly islands through sheer force, the other nations that believe they have rights to these islands just don't have the guts to stand up to China, fear is a very good counsellor. But the thing is China, and Russia have as much right to these territories as Israel has as both can claim that at one time they did belong to them, and if it is might that is right that makes China and Russia even more correct in their takeovers.

Another thing with Israel is that people actually believe that a deity decreed that this land belonged to the Jews, funnily enough the book that says this and is said to be inspired by God was actually written by Jews, seems kind of questionable to me. If God really were in the activity of giving out land why didn't he just give it out to everybody that way everybody would know where he belongs and that would have avoided a number of wars, stealing territory is one of the main reasons for war.

Another excuse I hear is that the Israelis were there first since thousands of years ago, unfortunately for this idea it also happens that the Canaanites were there already so shouldn't the land go to the descendants of the Canaanites, which if they weren't all killed, which is highly unlikely, must be somewhere around that vicinity - you just have to look for them.
