What will happen when we run out of fossil fuels?(featuring @infinitor as author)

The fossil fuels are being consumed at an alarming rate yet why do our world leaders don't pay any attention to this matter. After global warming and climate change, this is the biggest issue the world is facing but we hardly ever hear about it in the news. Why?

Is the survival of not only the human race, but also that of our little blue planet not important to them? Are the Kardashians more important than Earth? This is the question that we should all ask ourselves, not only the corporations and the big companies. It is estimated that at this rate, oil will run out in 53 years while natural gas will follow. The depletion of these resources will be catastrophic for mankind, which is why it is the need of the hour to establish and develop such technology which helps in generating electricity from renewable sources, like wind and solar.

This will lead to resource wars.

Resource wars are the hypothesized wars that will occur over the natural fuels like oil and coal. Till the 2000s, most thought it to be science-fiction, something to entertain the consumers with. Although now, it seems that it will soon become a reality. Without the renewable energy sources, mankind is destined to be plunged into the horrors of war. There is a growing urge for the multi-national corporations to not use fossil fuels and instead, develop other resources.

The use of nuclear weapons is what makes me afraid. We have gone so far ahead in the nuclear arms-race, that honestly right now if war breaks out, not even a shred of life will be spared on this planet. Resource wars are the things that will ultimately bring about the destruction of mankind. As much as it pains me to say, I hope to not be alive when we run out of fossil fuels.

It is the dream of everyone to live forever, some dream of it more so than others. The secret to eternal life does exist, but people can't understand and comprehend it's existence even when it's right in front of them. It is no secret, in reality. The eternal life is the fantastical name humans have given to making your mark on the history of the world. It is believed to be so hard and impossible that we have taken that idea and transformed it into fantasy.

You and even I can live forever. But that requires actually doing something that benefits mankind. If you don't possess that kind of power or influence, then do something for even a sole human. Nobody can save humanity, but anyone can save a human.

To be remembered and essentially live forever, you have to do something for the collective good of mankind. There are very few people in today's world that actually realize this and are researching and developing more and more efficient ways for the generation of electricity through wind, water and the Sun. The governments around the world have to sanction such research and scientific labs that are dedicated to this work. Otherwise, we are heading full-steam ahead towards a huge catastrophic and possibly apocalyptic event which we all deep down know is inevitable.

The current tensions in the Middle-East, and in the collective human society have eroded us so much that we are standing on a pretty tall cliff. And below us, there is only chaos and devastation. It is up to us to decide whether it is our destiny to fall into that pit or rise, rise and build such a community that lives millions of years in peace. This is an even bigger fantasy to be really honest.

We all have played Fallout, haven't we? We know what happens in those games and why the world becomes soo bleak. It is the most philosophical game that I've played in my life. For a second, just cut out the sci-fi elements of the game, the vaults, lasers, aliens and whatnot. Think about the collapse man has suffered. Such a terrifying fall that it has sent us back to something like 1950s. If you have played New Vegas, you know that there are alot of factions and gangs running around that love to take matters into their own hands. This is perhaps the most accurate depiction of what post-apocalyptic society would be like. A world where seemingly no one is educated, no one knows of history, people rise and copy others from the past to establish such empires that echo historical ones. Like Caesar. Almost no one in his Legion knew about the Historical Roman empire, they all thought that he really thought all those things up from scratch.

The apocalypse that so many people believe will occur, won't be a biblical one. It will sponsored and brought to you by man.

It's pretty much like anyone would imagine what will happen when the world runs out of resources. It's pretty much the apocalypse minus the zombies, aliens, demons and god. It's all man and it has been from day-one.

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