Living A Meaningful Life For Happiness – Simple Way

Living a meaningful life is satisfying, it’s the only life worth living. Anything else is just going by the flow and not giving it a direction.

I have a full post on this

So how do you live a meaningful life. Here are something you can follow. I am sure you will learn something from it. You have to be conscious about meaninglessness.

Most of us spend a lot of our time on things which don’t really mean to us. We all live to please people that don’t mean to us. We run after goals which are meaningless.

You can say the same things about your thoughts, actions, tasks, goals, and actions. Meaningless Facebook browsing, countless Youtube videos, social media infusions, messages on different mobile apps take so much of our time daily, its insane how our life has changed. Same is with TV which is fast being replaced by internet. All these things do not have any value whatsoever except creating more noise around you.

You have meaningless worries about your future as well as your past, you live in meaningless relationships and friendships. You do meaningless jobs just to earn a living. After earning and using what you have earned, you should be able to say that you lived a life you wanted to.

You want to turn it all around. Its simple, just reduce meaningless stuff and add things, people, tasks, actions which really mean to you, in your life.


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