Is Focus Overrated?

I meet a lot of people through my day. And sometimes during our conversations, one thing that comes up pretty often is focus. Ironically it comes from people who do know much about business. Some of them have never been into any kind of business.

I had a nice discussion on this topic with one of my best friends. I wanted to share it. Focus is like making any other decision, you should know when to have a laser sharp focus and when to look beyond it for better opportunities and better ways of doing things.

Every business expands, think of Amazon, Google or Facebook. They are constantly evolving themselves into new ventures. This is how they pick up on new trends and grow. Amazon started with books and went on to become largest retailer and is now into organic foods. Same is with Google which started as a search engine and is now into so many different businesses.


A smart business person knows when to go straight and when to pivot and expand. This comes with experience and knowledge. One thing which is an absolute must as an entrepreneur is persistence, no matter how many times you are faced with obstacles, you have to find new paths to reach out to your goals.


Another thing which is a must for any entrepreneur is resourcefulness. You got to know your existing resources at your disposal. You also have to know where you can arrange your resources from.

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