Bitacora of an Emigrant (Venezuela - Peru) June 2018.

Greetings dear Steemians, a few months ago I planned with my friend @erpachon, travel by land from our hometown Cumaná, to Peru, in search of better job opportunities, to help our families in Venezuela, as it is well known the situation here every day gets worse, more insecurity, scarcity, etc. . . The complicated part of leaving Venezuela, on the one hand is having a passport, in my case mine expired in March of this year, as there is not enough material to cover the current demand for new passports due to the imminent exodus of Venezuelans leaving of the country, in the middle of 2018 the approval of extensions was authorized, which are extensions for 2 more years for the use of the expired passport. I started this process in January of this year and I was granted the extension in March, it was relatively fast compared to the time and the whole process by which passport applicants must pass for the first time or have lost theirs and They have had to cancel it in order to request a new one.
On the other hand it is complicated to obtain the foreign currency to be able to travel because of its high cost, so while I was matching the money, I was documenting, and drawing on the experience of other colleagues who are already in Peru, in addition to preparing all my documents , which for reasons of time I could not post, then I leave an absolute power to my wife @ elizmaestre, to take care of this process. It was hard to leave and leave the family behind, my wife @elizmaestre and my two-year-old baby #FabricioJose, my parents, but all this sacrifice is made by and for them.

So here I leave my blog.

Cumana / Sucre / Venezuela to Lima / Peru.

Departure date: 05/31/2018
Departure Time: 10:00 a.m.
Budget for the trip: $ 300
Date of arrival: 06/06/2018
Arrival time: 11:00 p.m.

Traveling companions: Alexander Marín (uncle), @Erpachon (Friend), @ EmilioRussian (With brother-in-law / Husband of my sister-in-law @AniangelMaestre).

Inventory of provisions:

Do not stop bringing:

Hygiene and personal hygiene: Soap, Shampoo, Toilet paper, Wet towels, Bath towel, Toothbrush and toothpaste.

Medicines: antiallergic, pills for headache, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, alcohol.

Food: canned tuna, canned ham (diablitos), melted cheese. Mayonnaise, sweet and salty cookies, pepitos, bread, water, pasteurized juices, fruits, seeds, chocolates.

Utensils: Can openers. Glasses, some cutlery, a container with a lid.

Others: current extension, a good charger and a good USB cable, an extra phone battery, or a portable, waterproof battery.

We left on Thursday 05/31/18 from the Cumana Airport.

Cumana - Ccs Flight by conviasa (10:00 a.m.) 1,000,000 bs. Paid by point of sale. (Regulated price, buy in advance) It leaves only on Thursdays.

Photo with my parents Antonio José De Sucre International Airport.

Ccs - Barquisimeto by Laser Air Lines 2,300,000 bs. with 100% over-price for which it was purchased the same day, departure time 5:00 pm on the same Thursday 31. Laser flies every day to the West including direct to San Antonio del Táchira, which is the most recommended flight to reach the border with Colombia, but it is a problem to square the tickets there is a lot of mafia, we bought Barquisimeto because it was the closest to our route, and we thought that we would not save a few hours of road trip, which was not the case.

Arrival time to Barquisimeto: 6:00 p.m.

Arrived at the International Airport of Barquisimeto we took a taxi from there to the bus terminal by mobile payment (interbank transfer) 1,500,000.00 bs. In cash, they asked for 800,000.00 bs. It's far away, at that time there are no buses anymore.
Barquisimeto to San Cristóbal, by land. Cost: 1,200,000 bs in cash, departure time 10:00 p.m .: queues to buy with transfer are For San Antonio or as close to the border, it is crazy to play live is very dangerous. Everything is cash and expensive. We paid 1,200,000 bs in cash for going on the floor to San Cristóbal that same night, which was as far as we got because as I said there is a lot of demand for tickets and few units. Already at 9:00 p.m the end begins to be alone and is very dangerous. People are going like that, be it an enzyme of others. Recommendation if you can plane by plane to Táchira cost is usually cost. And bring their supplies from their cities of origin since the closer you get to the border the price of the products rises up to 3 times more than its real value, and do your best to square a direct flight from Porlamar or Caracas to San Antonio del Táchira.

Arrival time to San Cristóbal 9:00 a.m. from Friday 06/01/18.

In San Cristóbal we were lucky, we got a guide with our own car. That took us to San Antonio, there we looked for other friends there were 4 of us in total. These two friends left from ccs by the terminal of the flag to San Cristóbal direct on buses That went straight and charged them 4000,000 by transfer and they were seated, I from Barquisimeto to San Cristóbal I went on the floor of an express why It was the only thing I got as I told them that Barquisimeto terminal is super dangerous and at that time it was left alone, people left as they were, they were terrible 12 hours, we were injured and we lost a lot of time, on the road (which is in very bad condition) the driver fell into a hole, and exploded a rubber, due to the dangerous and dark area, and for the protection of all passengers, had to keep rolling to the nearest control point, which was an hour and a half at the speed that was not reaching the 20 kph, there was helped by other drivers, rubber changed, which only left the wheel in very poor condition, there we lost another 2 hours. It was a mistake to go to Barquisimeto and that my comrades who left by road from ccs that is farther, arrived at San Cristóbal first than us.

With that Mr. The guide named Frank, of Peruvian nationality, coincidentally, very kind and helpful, send my debit card and phone chip. to my wife who stayed in Cumana with my little son. And he behaved A1 took us to eat, to seal the passport to the pass of Ureña that there was almost no line. The queue in San Antonio to seal the passport was very long. Endless. Then he accompanied us to Cúcuta where we went to the South American express company, where you bought tickets to Rumichacas (Colombia-Ecuador border) cost $ 108.00, where we bathed and changed the use of showers and restrooms and luggage were included with the purchase of the ticket. From there we went to seal the passport in Colombia migration the process is quite fast Since the Colombian authorities are well organized, we did not take more than 30 min there, they gave us water, and there was medical attention for those who needed it. Once we sealed we went out to rumichaca, this was about 6:00 p.m., they gave us pasteurized apples and juice dinner. In the early morning we were injured that delayed us.

Photo with my travel companions on the border of Colombia with Ecuador (RUMICHACAS)

We stopped at Puerto de Boyacá - Colombia at 7:30 a.m. On Saturday 02/06/18, the crew of the bus went to arrange the mechanical details of the bus, and we were left with the Tourist Guide at the Parador. The ticket included in this Stop the breakfast, we ate Tostadas and arepas with scrambled eggs and coffee with milk. I also include toilets and showers, despite the fact that we are delayed for a couple of hours, the company is recommended, and in addition to offering good service at a good price, the bus was comfortable, it had Wi-Fi, chargers, bathroom, tv, music.

Photo in tourist parador Puerto de Boyaca Colombia.

For the aforementioned delays instead of arriving at 6:00 a.m. We arrived at Rumichacas at 12:00 noon on Sunday 03/06/18. The queue to seal the passport to Ecuador was super long, from 12:00 am we arrived until 11:00 p.m. Do not pay managers here are swindlers, more than one was stolen, 3, 5 and up to $ 15, plus if you are emigrating from Venezuela, it is better to forget about "how much there is pa" and cronyism etc., It is also difficult to entrance with andean letter there were many people bounced. Here we ate with $ 2 soup and dry economic and resolved in some Peruvian food stalls. The use of bathrooms and showers is expensive. Like everything else. Just buy a pair of gloves for the cold $ 2. Wear raincoat on the recommendation of a friend but thank God it did not rain until we got on some buses that enabled from there rumichacas to huaquillas (Ecuador-Peru border), since it was Sunday, and with the rain the terminal, almost no buses were going to quito, but that way we left much better because I only charge $ 25 and we did not have to stumble around doing multiple stops.

Video of the row of Venezuelan citizens to stamp passport, exit from Colombia, entry to Ecuador.

Departure time: 11:45 p.m. hour of arrival: 8:00 p.m .: The line is called route of the Americas, recommended, has its Wi-fi, tv, comfortable seats, bathrooms, showers services on the free way. And responsible drivers. On the way through Ecuador we were stopped several times on the road at checkpoints, checked luggage and passports, do not forget to put the belt here because they can be fined.
My recommendation here is try to avoid passing through rumichacas, the lines are long. The step of the Ant is clearer, investigate on this. We ended up in rumichacas because an Ecuadorian police told us that this border pass was closed, and then we found out about some maracuchos we met on the bus to Lima that if it was open, they crossed over there and it did not take an hour to seal the exit of the equator.

Arrival huaquillas (Ecuador-Peru border): Monday 04/06/18 at 5:30 p.m.
Arrival: 6:30 p.m.
Arrival Chiclayo 5:00 a.m. of the day 05/06/18
Depart Chiclayo - Lima: 7:45 a.m.

Once in huaquillas, we went to Ecuador migration to seal the passport, leaving Ecuador, the taxis charged $ 6 between four people touched $ 1.5. Here less badly, it is much more organized than in Rumichacas and in less than 10 minutes we were able to seal the exit from the equator. Immediately from here we went to Peru migration, it is about 4 km away, to seal the entrance to Peru, here we lasted about 20 min it was fast too, we sealed and immediately we took a taxi to go to the agencies that make trips to Lima , they charge $ 10 touches $ 2.5 per person. Trips to Lima vary between $ 25 and $ 30 depending on the company. Those of the line of immigration taxis will always want to take you to the norpacific agency, because there they earn commission for passengers, but already several friends told us not to take this line. We recommended the Agency of flowers, we for the hour in this we did not get a ticket.
We got in a call the Sun, honestly I do not recommend, the bus left us bounced, and we had to grab a taxi to the roads to reach it, and they made us stop in Chiclayo, and there we lost a lot of time to go to Lima again , a trip of 22 hours hard as 27 hours, and in the bus that made us change from Chiclayo to Lima, had no Wi-Fi we were that time incommunicado, and part without air conditioning.
Besides the Flowers, the agency the golden buses look very good, would be the ones we recommend to travel to Lima.
Arrival time in Lima: 11:00 p.m. Here we come to a hostel near the north plaza, something expensive we arrived tired and with little encouragement to walk, look for better options in case of their turn, because we arrived too late to go to the residence we booked.

Total spends:
Provisions for the trip: $ 30
Tickets in Venezuela: $ 10
Ticket Frontera Cúcuta Colombia to Rumichacas Ecuador: $ 108 for South American Express
Ticket border Rumichacas ecuador to border huaquillas Peru: $ 25 per route delas americas
Taxi huaquillas to migration Ecuador: 1.5 $
Taxi migration from Ecuador to Peru $ 0.75
Taxi migration Peru to Tumbes to travel agencies to Lima 2.5 $
Bus tumbes to Limas: $ 30
Lima Hostel: $ 15
Lunch on the way: $ 10

Thanks to my mother-in-law @anitarojas for supporting me at all times, and helping me to achieve this trip.

Thus begins a new adventure. Thank you for reading.

For the realization of this post use the google language translator, I apologize for any error in the transcript. source

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