POV: What You Receive is What You Give

When you wake up the next morning and start dealing with people, do you deal with them in a nice way or in a way that they will consider not to talk to you ever again?

Dealing with different types of people is surely a part of our daily lives and before you notice it, the way you interact with others is a result of how other people interact with you.

When you have been dealing with the nice ones, you are more likely to be nice when you interact with other groups. When you interact with positive individuals, you are more likely to deal with other set of people in a positive manner.

Imagine yourself being surrounded with happy relatives who laugh a lot when you’re together or friends who throw jokes and who make fun of some bad things you encounter. Have you noticed that their way of dealing with their lives becomes your way too? This is because their system starts to run within you as you adapt.

When you allow negative people give you the energy they have been carrying, chances are, you become part of their circle where negativity circulates. When you surround yourself with four gossipers, then you become the fifth.

Whatever energy you allow to go in you will be the same energy you will release. But just because this is possible to happen does not mean you cannot do something about it and make it stop.

In this post I will share with you 10 ways to stop receiving negativity when dealing with toxic people.


1. Never Share Secrets

You would know if you are dealing with a toxic person through gossips when that person talks about other people’s lives with you.

Toxic people will share your deepest secrets with others the same way that person shares other people’s darkest secrets with you. If you ever encounter this type, do not be blinded and trust them just because you think they trust you.

These people will talk to you with the hopes of getting your opinion and approval then will speak with others about what you said hoping to get the same result. These kinds cause trouble so better not share secrets especially when you're acquainted with them and cannot avoid them easily.


2. Set Limits and Boudaries

People who complain a lot are energy draining. The worst part is, they want others to be the casts of their own dramas.

People who do not want to deal with this kind of individuals often feel pressured to involve their lives because they don't want to be perceived as insensitive or rude.

But just like other scenarios, there's always a line between allowing yourself to pull them out of their miseries or be sucked by their desperate attempt to tie you with their negativity. You must set limits and walk away if neccessary.


3. Beating the Bullies

Not in a physical way... but on second thought... at times, maybe.

Toxic people often take advantage of those they can beat and cannot fight back. This tactic helps them feel good about themselves.

It might feel hard standing up for yourself and for others against bullies, but this is crucial. Fighting back builds the wall and boundaries in between.

This is one of the ways to remove toxic people in your life. Showing them that you can’t be swayed is teaching them that you can never be under their power.


4. Let Them Lie All the Way

Negative individuals tend to lie to others and even to themselves. They keep on lying and even try to convince themselves that what they're saying is a fact.

People of this kind would not be consistent with their stories as telling events built with lies will be hard to maintain resulting for them to expose themselves in the end.

Allow this kind of people to continue with their lies until they get tripped by their self-made reality.


5. Focusing on the Solution

Toxic people often crack the issue and put the blame first if something go against their favor. This is to put themselves out of the blame and free themselves from responsibilities.

Intelligent ones, on the other hand, focus more on how to make things right better than focus on the part that made it wrong.

When you focus more on the solution, it shows that you are positive and optimistic, and this practice always beats toxic people.


6. Ignore at Times

Difficult people crave for attention all the time. Sometimes, they aim to get the spot light and make other people's celebration become their own.

They will try their best to interrupt and be noticed by being loud. It is best to ignore this kind of people although it might not work all the time.

Best time to ignore them is when in public because that's the time that they are likely not to feel mad. Ignoring them when it's just the two of you will never work as it may cause bigger trouble so you must also choose your battle.


7. Be Mindful of your Emotions

Stopping something from getting the best of you is not easy especially when you lose track of what is currently happening.

Practicing distance emotionally requires paying attention to what's going on. When it comes to dealing with a toxic person, being aware of your emotional state is a must.

Through this, you can veer away from any encounters just in case you are already in the verge of exploding and just regret the outcome if you'll give it a go.


8. Check Insult and Shake Off

People who are toxic are best with backhanded compliments.

These are compliments with hidden insult underneath like praising the way you dress and telling you it looks better if it's not you who is wearing it.

Although it made you feel good about wearing a nice dress, the statement left you a drop of doubt about your self appearance.

In this kind of situation, you must determine the insult quickly and shake it off at the same pace. Best is if you can laugh at it and bounce back with confidence.


9. Don't be Swayed by Pity

Negative people are often professionals when it comes to playing victims.

Self-pity is quickly recognized by intelligent people as this can quickly lead to gaining control. It is not bad to feel sorry for yourself but using this to manipulate others is a big ‘NO-NO’.

Toxic people will continue blaming others for all the bad results in their lives as long as there is someone always available to listen.

Avoiding this type is stopping yourself from being pulled by their strong desire of getting your sympathy.


10. Stick Around Your Loyal Friends

Negative people can drain you most of the time. This is when your loyal friends should come in the picture.

Loyal friends are the ones who will charge you with positivity and happiness. It is important to build a network of the good ones.

Intelligent people know for a fact that they're not everybody's cup of tea and not everyone is worthy of the friendship they can offer. In return, they do their best to show their circle that the goodness goes equally around.

A quality circle of friends is one of your best armors to live a happy life. Do not allow toxic people build a different circle to surround you.

What you can offer to the world is the result of what was offered to you.

You got the power to chose which among these seeds are to drop and to keep. Just always remember that a seed of squash cannot grow a tree of apples.

What you plant in your mind and in your self will grow behavior which other people around you will eventually pick.

So, choose what you perceive and block those you do not want to receive. Because in a world of cause and effect, what you receive is the cause of what you can give.

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