POV: Road to Success

A lot of people tend to fail than to succeed.

Why? Because failure is easier to achieve than success. The moment you stopped working for yours dreams, then you already failed. If you are lazy to start the day right and continue procrastinating, then you are already a failure.

If you won’t do something new in your life because you are afraid of the risk you will be taking, then you already failed.

The truth is, there is no need to put so much effort to fail. It is so much easier to feel sorry about yourself and compare what you can do with what others can and make excuses all the time. These simple ways are just one of the million ways that make failure an easy thing to accomplish. What is difficult? Fighting your anxiety, your insecurities, and blaming others for the unwanted results you continuously get.

But if you’ll look at the brighter side, success is not easy to achieve because success itself is not just a single trophy. Along the way, within your journey to success, you will learn a lot of lessons. Within your success journey, you will experience failure --- failure that will make you become a better version of yourself who will want to strive for more.

Along the way, you will encounter people who can either help you or put you down.

But because your goal is to succeed and not to be taken down by these negative elements, you’ll be able to learn how to turn things over… how to convert negativity to positivity and you’ll get back on track going to your only destination, success.

See, success is not just a single trophy. It’s a package deal. The moment you get to it and ready to claim it, you have already gained a lot.

In this post I will share with you 8 qualities you should have if you wish to achieve success in life.


1. Adaptability

In any season and any situation, you should know how to adapt. Waiting for the situation to adjust for you is the easiest way to be left behind.

Knowing and having the capability to adjust is a good quality that will help you move forward and climb the ladder of success one step higher.


2. Communication

Ability to speak your language is not considered as ability to communicate. Communication is an exchange of message between and among people. Just because you are able to speak out your thoughts does not mean you are able to communicate well.

Learn to know other people’s thoughts, learn to digest every single idea, and learn how to react or respond to those ideas that the people you are dealing with will be able to throw the arguments back.

Having a good communication skill can make you become a good entrepreneur, a good dealer, and a good retailer.


3. Ability to Solve Problems

Yes you can adapt, yes you can communicate well, and yes, you are creative. But on your road to success, you encountered a problem and it knocked you down to solid ground and your world stopped spinning.

What happened? You lacked the ability to solve problems. Why? because you focused on the good ones and did not expect that something bad might happen along the way.

Ability to solve problem is essential on your success journey because before you get to your goal, you will experience a lot of struggles. Why? Because success is a package.

Anticipating what will happen and preparing yourself to deal with it is a good component of how you can solve problems along the way.

Just always remember, problems are walls that can hinder us to make a move forward, but we can always turn walls into doors just as how we can turn problems into opportunities.

With good problem-solving skills, taking another step forward will never be a problem at all.


4. Optimism

"Not every day is Friday", as what my late grandmother always said. Not every day is in favour of you. There will really come a time that some days will get the best of you, but seeing the good things and good side of everything and every situation is a good character that can bring out the best in you even in the darkest times.

Being optimistic can not only help yourself but also help those around you as what you feel reflects your outer appearance and the more you appear positive, the more positive the people you can attract. People who you can help or can help you spread daily dose of positivity.


5. Creativity

Creative people are the main source of innovation. The world does not stop spinning the same way our days in earth are. Everyday, there are something new that come out such as new technologies, new topics, and new releases.

Being creative can help you be in the trend of everything that keeps on improving day by day. This gives you the power to invent new products, new styles, new recipes, and no genres. With creativity, you will be able to get a ticket to enter another level within your road to success.


6. Discipline

Building good habits is one of the keys to success. Following your schedule, doing what is mainly necessary, and not being swayed by bad influences along the way can keep you be on track.

Turning down your excuses and trying hard every day is discipline. Breaking bad habits and replacing it with the good ones are good recipes for you to continue moving forward with your eyes focused only the your main goal, success.


7. Interdependence

There are people who are dependent, who are comfortable gaining by depending on other people working for them. There are independent people who are more productive when working on their own. And there we have ‘Interdependent’ people.

They are the flexible ones who are good with working on their own and best when working with other people. These are the kind of those who are productive on their own but become more productive when dealing with other great people.

Within your road to success, no man is an island. You should know how to make things work with the help of others.


8. Faith

What's hard work if you do not have faith? We are all after the concrete proofs of success, big house, nice car, millions of money, but this cannot be achieved without abstract proof of your goal, your faith. Believing in God and in yourself can keep your sanity and can keep you be on the right side of the road.

Having faith is believing in what you do not perceive, that no matter how many struggles you feel there is, that makes you think you will give up, there is always faith that keeps on reminding you that you will fall down but you will get up stronger and you will keep going.

Success is the dish and you have to complete the ingredients of the whole recipe before you can savour it. At the end of the day, you only have two mantras to reach success.

First is "One Day, I will become successful" or…
To become successful, I should start my ‘Day One’.

So what will you choose ‘One Day' or 'Day One'?

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