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Nobody Really Knows

Everybody's looking for that something, something that makes it all complete

Goes a popular West life song, from the moment I came of age and could think of more than when I would eat my next meal, the next big questions were about life, what are we doing here? what can we hope to gain from this whole experience? and what exactly do I need to make it all worthwhile?

I don't know what I want anymore.

If everyone's looking for that something, but do we know what that thing is? And even if we did know, we mostly don't know how to go about getting it? 

But if we take a look all around us, we see people who look like they've figured their lives out. Like they've found whatever it is that makes them complete. 

They are at the top of their careers, captains of industry, have great families, seem to have love and  money and everything that makes life worth living.. But sometimes, just sometimes; if you take a very close look they are just as scared and clueless as everyone else. Sometimes on a even larger scale than the average joe, because they at the eye of the  storm, with dependents and others who must never figure out that they actually have no clue what they are doing

So, What if, just what if there is nothing we are not supposed to b e looking for, what if everyone just crams in as much stuff as possible into their lives to stave out the voids of loneliness, emptiness and depression?

The more you look, the more you see that

Nobody is 100% sure 100% of the time. Everyone is just trying different things and hoping for the best