end of maize 2021

This is the last post about my maize.
It is the final announcement of the announcement.

The garden is looking too nice in autumn



Final thoughts and plans for next year

The field that was a complete disaster before, has produced quite some food this year.
I will plant more maize on the same patch next year, but in a different spot.

The maize was not attacked by voles, even though they dug directly under it.
I gave up on fighting them, but will just stick to crops, that they do not eat.
In the same picture, you can also see, how the maize produced these roots that never made it down to the soil. I will create dams next year - see how that works. For that, I will have to plant in straight rows.


I also have a lot of weeds now. I should have mulched a lot more.
My soil is eating up the mulch and compost really quickly.


But that is ok, I will chop it down and either cover it with cover crops over winter, or with mulch, or with compost, or a combination of the above. I also thought about digging over the whole bed, but decided against it. The same effort put into mulching should have a much better effect.

It does not have to take a lot of work and I am not planning to waste any time weeding...
This low effort gardening is starting to grow on me, literally. I just need more mulch and compost. To do this at scale, I would need more animals.

I am trying to get some free horse manure. If that works out, I am set for any challenge.

Already looking forward to next year's growing season.

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