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Saving my family from Hypothermia - a boiler story.

I have a relatively small office in my house where I sit most of the day working and on a day like today glued to my screen watching the markets.

I got the screen up right now and looking at 1000 dollar Bitcoin swings.

I know some people live for this shit but from experience I know I shouldn't partake trading these markets.

I also know most will lose money.

Therefore I took my profits on the way up and now the crypto cowboys can ride these waves.


My computer generates some nice heat and it's usually not even necessary to heat this room.

After sitting here for hours in the afternoon I left my office to use the restroom.

It was then that I realized that the house had turned into the artic.

I went upstairs to find Bianca wrapped in several blankets.

I intelligently said, 'I think the heating broke'.

'No shit!', she replied.

I went to investigate.

Now I know not everyone on Steemit is familiar with central heating. So let me explain real quick for the layman (me).

We have this metal box in the garage that warms up water and sends it via pipes to every room in the house. In every room, there is another metal thing called a radiator connected to the pipes.

You can open up the radiator and then warm water flows into the thing and radiates heat that warms up the room.

This is as far as my knowledge goes.

I went to the garage and there it was. A big blinking red light. Code number 5!

It looked bad.

I pressed the reset button but nothing happened.

I decided to approach the problem like a man.

I gave the boiler a tap with a hammer and then pressed the reset button.

But nothing happened.

It was getting too late to call an expert so I did the next intelligent thing.

I went to google.

I have no idea how people used to find things out before Google but I quickly learned that code number 5 meant that the condense could not escape the metal box. There must be a blockage somewhere.

I removed the cover from the metal box.

Inside the metal box was a plastic pipe.

I decided to unscrew it. The house was already freezing anyway.

When I unscrewed it I saw the hole that was left was filled with hard grey gunk.

I grabbed a screwdriver and started to chip away at it.

I started to sweat.

I must have spent 10 minutes chipping away at the grey stuff when all of the sudden it broke!

Water poured out of the hole!

Could this be Code number 5?

I put everything back together and pressed the reset button!

Instantly, the metal box sprang into life!

I felt propper proud I can tell you that.

I went upstairs to deliver the good news to the girlfriend.

She was mildly impressed.

I then told my dad.

He was impressed!

He said, 'You must be the first member of our family to have ever repaired anything!'

I was happy.

Saving my family from Hypothermia is the proudest things I have done in a while!

O....that....and becoming witness :)
