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Getting my mind blown at a the professional optician office.

My eyes have been bugging me for a while now.

Throughout the day they start to sting more and more.

I also felt that my vision was more getting more blurred.

So today I decided to go see a 'real' optician and not one you find in a generic store for glasses.

Snapseed 9.jpg

I made an appointment for 13:00 in Rotterdam.

I entered the office/store and it was completely empty.

I walked to the counter where I was greeted by a nice lady of around 50.

We exchanged greetings and I explained what the problem was.

She sat me down on a chair with all kinds of bells and whistles attached to it and then proceeded to take measurements of my current glasses.

When she came back she started here measurements where I had to to look through a huge device with interchangeable lenses.

I have done this before in a generic store but her tests where completely different.

I had to read letters on the wall but also look at different colours (green/red) and a circle with lines on them all the while she was changing lenses and I had to say if things looked sharper or not.

It took a long time.

By the end of all this I got the result.

And she said the on thing I did not expect.

She said, you have much better vision then most people!

You just have the wrong lenses!

I nearly fell of my chair!

She explained that some people have more light receptors on the back of the eye and can see more detail.

The baseline is 100%, I have 150%.

I said, but I need glasses to see!

She said, well that doesn't matter. Some don't need glasses and they only have 80%.

Your eyes are fine but your lenses are completely wrong!

She said, both your lenses are off by a quarter but worse you axle is wrong by 30%! (I have no idea...even after she explained it what that means).

Wow! I did not expect any of this.

She promised me that by next week I will have eagle vision with new lenses.

I hope this is all true because I can barely believe it.

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