Eating ribs with friends. Blockbrothers first monthly meeting :)

Tonight I had a nice meal with my friends @bennierex and @eqko.

Together with @s3rg3 (who sadly had to cancel at the last moment), we recently formed a group called @blockbrothers.

Our intention is to build cool tools and apps for the Steem Blockchain.

We are old friends and we grew up on the same street together.

We go way back.

(If you wonder how far back, just check this video from Ben and me when we were seven link. In total, I have known him for 33 years. The others for about 28 :) )


All of them are on Steemit and they wanted to know all the things I learned from SF2.

I said to them: why don't we have a nice meal and some beers and I'll tell you all about it.'

They liked the idea so we went out tonight.

I already know a new tradition is born. A monthly tradition. Eating ribs and drinking beer talking about STEEM ideas.

We are currently working on a notification app.

@bennierex is the programmer, @eqko the designer. @s3rg3 came up with some awesome ideas and well they have chartered me to promote it :)

I have been running an alpha version on my phone for about 3 weeks and I can't live without it anymore. It's the best way to stay informed.

I showed it to a few people on Steemfest and it was very well received there too.

On SF2 I learned STEEM inc is working on a mobile wallet with notifications. It might throw a wrench into our plans but that's the risk of the game. If anything we just have fun and we are already toying with new ideas.

@bennierex said if Apple works with us a little bit we can have a private/public beta out within the next two weeks.

I'm really happy because I never really felt that I could contribute to the value of the blockchain besides making blogs but now through this group I can.

Just four friends combining their strengths to make something cool.

Pretty cool stuff :)

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