Keep At It

I'm happy to report that I've been able to create more content for Hive recently during the little windows in time that open up.

As readers of this blog know, I've repeatedly bounced back multiple times in restoring my account due to family responsibilities. I've several times had to liquidate in order to deal with things here, and then begin the rebuilding process over again.

I think at my height, I was nearing 4K HP, I'd grown my $LEO to almost 2K, and had cracked the top 50 in $DHEDGE. Not to mention the LEO miners I'd picked up in the early days of Hive, and the other dividend tokens and Splinterlands assets that were trickling in new tokens on a daily basis.

I was growing on LeoFinance, and looking forward to moving up to the next level when all Hell broke loose here. Of course like the man that I am, I didn't shirk my responsibilities, but stepped up to help right the ship. When the call comes in to help the helpless, someone has to answer, and I'm glad that I did.

But I got a little taste of the benefits that having a growing Hive blog can bring.

So I know what to do...

I just need a stable situation here outside of Hive with the ill elderly relative I'm both taking care of and shielding from the grifters in the family, trying to take every dollar they can from her. Things are slowly stablizing, but the message I want to share in this post is...

That I keep coming back.

That implies that there's something to come back to, and there is with Hive.

Since my last post Teenyboppers vs Deadheads, Which Audience Would You Rather Have On Hive? was a huge 1500+ words monster, I plan to make this one a shortie in response (a "short" post to me is one that's less than 1000 words). :) I'm posting more, and it feels so good to be able to share again as a Hive content creator.

If I can keep coming back over and over again, it points to the fact that tere's real value in this community. We have so many people with expertise in so many different areas, and I've learned so much over the years. Winston Churchill once said "If you're going through Hell, keep going." So stay focused and keep at it.

The best of us push on, and if you do that in a smart way, over time you end up turning that corner. I can see the first rays of light at the far end of a long, dark tunnel. Better days are ahead, and if you know me, I'll never give up until I step into the light.

If you found that this post added value or inspired you, you know what to do... :)

Please check out my recent posts:

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