A Million Cats in New York City, and One Right Here...

I'm reading an article about the feral cat problem in Gotham. Turns out there are up to a million stray cats in NYC.

These felines exist in all manner of conditions, and have grown to such an extent, that residents of the five boroughs are demanding that the city do something about the ever-growing population.

Bands of wild cats along with reports of alligators in the sewers, and dog-sized rats, sound about right for NY.

And you thought Florida was bad?

Getting back to cats BTW, we have one here that we put food out for. Me, I'm a dog guy, and can't stand cats. But the one in our neighborhood, is the last of a small pack that used to come around here. He or she, no one knows the gender, is a snotty one, often turning up food left out if it isn't up to their tastes.

I went out a couple months ago and gave it some expensive cat foot that It refused to eat. The 7lb bag of IAMS fared better with cat sniffing the hell out of it before I even had a chance to set it down.

I don't know how long "Cat" will hang around, but is receiving the royal treatment in the meantime. We all know who the boss is in the neighborhood, and it ain't any of us. It's Cats world, we're just living in it. This is out cat. Who's the cat in your life?

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