The Pointless Habit of Self Doubt

Hey Steemians!

How is your Thursday shaping up? Mine? Oh mine's great. Totally fine. Or at least that's what I keep telling everyone. I'm living the dream after all. I've got all day to write and get my book ready for submission to editors and agents. I have nothing to complain about.

Reality? I've been sat in my chair paralysed by self doubt all morning. This continues on from the previous 4 days of doing exactly the same... along with a little bit of lurgy just to make things extra fun.

I have two finished first drafts of two romcoms, 1/2 an epic fantasy and a treatment for a grim thriller... and this week, I don't believe in any of them.

I don't get this problem when I'm working on art pieces. I can see clearly whether they are working or not. I don't compare myself with other artists. I am what I am. I keep working and improving. Some pieces work and some don't and that's okay. But writing floors me. I don't know what's good and bad. I don't know what I should do next. I don't know... I don't know...

In reality all I need to do is break down the issues for the story I'm working on and solve them one at a time. Stop looking and the huge picture and work on it section by section like I do with my drawings. And it's for others to judge if it's any good or not when I've finished, not me.

So off I go to try again.
Progress, not perfection.
Ho hum.

Evie x

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