
I am struggling. My son's dad is a heroin addict. He had been clean for over 2 years! He relapsed recently and wants to be able to have parent time with my son. That. Is not going to happen.
Now listen, I am supportive of his recovery and I will give him parent time when he's not using. His mom (who I call the Dragon Lady) Is completely enabling him. I feel like if I don't hold him accountable, no one will. The amount of manipulation that addicts use can be so hard. I know he feels like it's not a big deal because "relapse is a part of recovery." Those are his words. As if he didn't put himself in the position to use again. As if he didn't make the choice to use again and we should go easy on him.
Now, my son is struggling too. Of course he is. He's worried he's not going to be able to see his dad on Christmas. He's wondering when he's going to see him again. Yet, He doesn't want to talk to him on the phone. It's all so confusing and I'm on the verge of tears all day.
I'll just take it one day at a time. 20171105_123653.jpg
This is my very handsome son and his dog Blinkin.

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