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Where will you choose to focus?

Whether we like it or not, we are the ones who decide if our life will be a joyful journey or a miserable one.

Yes, shit happens but amazing things also happen. So it is us who decide for how long we will let ourself suffer and how deep we are going to dive into our misery and misfortune.

We are the ones who decide whether we are going to embrace the bright and fun side of our journey or the dark and difficult one.

Dealing with life -with every aspect of it- is a matter of choosing where you will focus. You create your frame of mind.

If we assume that the following picture represents a moment in everyone's life, look how many different things there are to focus on that define our way of seeing life...


Focusing on the bright side

  • What a beautiful sunny day.
  • I love how the colour of the trees combine with the colour of the sea.
  • How clear the sky is.
  • How blessed I am to be a part of this beauty.
  • How lucky I am for having access to this view.
  • How lucky I am to be alive and enjoy a day like this one.

Focusing on the dark side

  • I've seen that again.
  • Those damn trees are hiding my view.
  • I hate those clouds in the sky.
  • I would rather be somewhere else.
  • I hate that I'm not swimming like other people do right now.
  • Ugh people make so much noise.
  • The noise of the cars drives me crazy.
  • It could have been a better day.

This is how we may "treat" life and as an extend how we choose to treat ourself. Try to focus on what you have and not on what you don't have. Try to focus on positivity and not on negativity. Try to be grateful and appreciate each day you live. Try to focus on what makes your life better and not worse...

And remember that things could always be better, but they could also be much worse...