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I have been in long term relationships before

I don't think we've talked enough about breaking up friendships, so I wanted to start. Have you ever broken up with a friend? I've moved a lot in my life...and I mean a lot! It was easy to see other kids at school and easy to leave when it was time to move again.


Around the age of 13, I reached stability in my life. At that time, I was able to make friends at school and formed meaningful friendships with some silly children. It felt good! And it continued through high school.

As an adult, I still maintain some of the friendships I made in my teenage years, but some have deteriorated. That's it...that's life! But just because it's part of life doesn't mean it's less painful. Now comes the emotional part of this blog.... The process of recovering from a broken friendship is similar to the process of recovering from a romantic relationship. We cry, feel our emotions, miss them and remember the good times. And finally, we learn to live life without that person and move on. But sometimes we grow up with each other, choose different paths, and even realize that other people's lifestyles don't fit ours. In other cases the separation is much more uncomfortable. Lies, betrayal, and jealousy lead to breakups, and the trust that was once a friendship is lost. For someone like me this is an important part of my friendship.The moment my trust is broken or I see you being unfaithful I will never look at you the same way again.

I have been in long term relationships before and the same applies. So I handle fallout like romantic partner fallout. I've been through everything that happened. I scream I write. I blame myself and even get angry that someone put me close enough to hurt them. But I realize every day that people are meant to survive. Everyone in our lives has something to teach us. Whether it's life or ourselves, you will be there for part of our lives or for the whole book. Whatever the reason, we appreciate the lessons and appreciate the experience. I will learn